You know how to obtain and use globally the following USER data in Angular 2 / Typescript:
Time / Date
Operating System
Device (Mobile - Tablet - Pc)
Dimensions of the window
We are developing an application to schedule medical appointments using full calendar and angularjs
We generate a code (render) to show us in the form of events the appointments that were saved, but when browsing the calendar, either in the M...
I'm working with ASP.NET MVC 4.
I have some doubts, when installing Angulars is there a Bootstrap for Angulars? , oh you do not have to see each other, is the installation of both independent? .
I have the following code that has the <count-characteres> directive
<label class="control-label"><cr/>Género <count-characters c-name="genero"></count-characters></label>
<div class="inpu...
I'm trying to compare
ng-repeat="conversation in vm.conversations" ng-if="conversation=second">
conversation with the value "second"
What is my mistake?
When I try to validate a page made with AngularJS, I find that it does not correctly validate and throws numerous errors in the code (it is usually the same repeated). The problem is that the attributes ng- are not considered standard and...
I have a select tag and within the select a tag option, I need to use the ng-bing directive, but so far it does not show me any information.
This is my code:
<select id="SecretQuestion"
I am creating an API using angularjs to show certain texts in the view, HTML marks appear.
This is my template:
<div class="well well-lg">
<p class="lead">
{$ policy.politica $}
And this is w...