I have a problem, it's an API with NodeJS and the client with Ionic (code available here as well).
angular.module('app.services', [])
.factory('loginService', function($http){
print: function() {...
I am developing a web application with AngularJS , and I need to perform a validation in each of the views in which the user has previously logged in. I have already created a service for authentication and in this there is a method that valida...
I have a problem with the cache in an app made with Ionic.
Supposedly active the cache in the "config" of the module in the following way
app.config(function($ionicConfigProvider) {
I'm taking an input type datetime-local with angularjs and from the controller I get today's date and add one more day and I would like that date to be the minimum date of my input so the user can not choose a lower date to this.
I request your help because I have not managed to bind between several checkboxes and the data. I have tried it in several ways and this has been my result:
<label ng-repeat="teams in teams" class="checkbox-inline">
I have a big question, today I am consuming data from a web services as always, using angularJS and I have a new problem:
I consume a web services that in response gives me the following:
{success: "true", n_sucursales: 2, id_sucursal: "19"...
I am starting to develop in the framework of AngularJS in a self-taught way and following a tutorial says to download or clone the repository of git which I already downloaded, following the tutorial comes a part where I have to install NPM...
Hello, I have the following switch
<div class="inset switchdemoBasicUsage" ng-controller="Movilapp" style="float:left;" ng-cloak>
<md-switch ng-model="data.c...
I have a JSON link where I have to do searches:
but I need to change the search criteria, for example to search xbox or something else would change t...
any possibility of executing controllers in or a function?
$scope.send = function(){
My ideas is to incorporate a 'ng-click="send";' Even button on which to execute the task, greetings.