I am trying to fill a list according to when another is selected, when a value is selected from the first list a query is made in the BD , and later with that information I filled the second list, but I have to use the ng-options si...
I would like to use node-cron in angularjs, I need to execute request within a cron-job from the controller, any idea? So far I have not found anything, except node-cron which is exactly what I need, regards.
I have a slider that leads to a page when I press a button.
I want only the slider to appear the first time, and when I re-enter the app, it does not appear and only loads the page.
My code:
I recently started with this and I'm having a problem with my code. I want to make a simple login form and I am having the problem that I can not perform the validation if I use the form tag, otherwise the validation can be done but I lose the d...
On the frontend I wrote the following code
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover" id="example" >
<tr ng-repeat="item in $ctrl.entity">
<td class="acciones" data-title="'Acciones'">...
I have the following defined method:
elclick(id:string) {
console.log('El id es: ' + id);
And my html is this:
<a id="0" (click)="elclick(this.id);">Button</a>
What is the way this is done?
I'm trying to set a default value to an md-autocomplete, but it's not possible for me.
I need to be able to perform this function, since I have a service that returns certain parameters that should be automatically completed and, if it does n...
Good day.
I have the following component select multiple
<select multiple ng-model="templateSelect" id="sel_templates" material-select watch ng-change="loadWeeklyConfiguration(templateSelect)">
<option ng-repeat="x in template...
How can I achieve the following
$scope.id = 2;
$scope.name = 'jhon';
$scope.render = "<b>{{id}} - {{name}}</b>";
<p ng-bind-html='render'></p>
There is something like this in php
printf ('text and other% s more...