Questions tagged as 'array'


Problems with 3 arrasy A, B, and C

The thing is like this: I have a array A[n] , with variable length, entered by the user, which is then filled position by position with a value that the user also enters. Now, what I did, is that even numbers that are within array...
asked by 15.11.2018 / 16:58

how to make changes in an array and keep them in typescript?

I'm making a website with angular, for this I need a login and a page to register new users, I'm using a service to save users, in this service I have an arrangement with users, the problem is that when I add a new user through the page and then...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 22:36

Remove object from a PHP array

{ "success": true, "response": [ { "idseparacion": "1", "idcalidad": "21", "peso": "500", "cajas": "50", "restante": 100 }, { "idseparacion":...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 21:01

Identify the greater of 5 Paragraphs (p)

I need your help as soon as possible, I have an exercise that consists of identifying the "number of characters" of 5 paragraphs and determine which is the paragraph that has the most number of letters through an Alert (); I was able to determin...
asked by 19.11.2018 / 03:57

JAVA Syntax of an Arrangement

I'm trying to build an array of objects of the Question class. Its constructor method is the following: public Pregunta(String pregunta, String[] respuestas, int posicicionRespuesta) { this.pregunta = pregunta; this.respuestas = re...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 18:37

What is the syntax of an array that is received as a parameter?

Good I want to build an array of objects, in each object has an array of String (Questions) that is received as a parameter, enter the description of the link here I want to fill it out manually but when I do it it throws me an error, and it d...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 18:03

I need to find the instance of an attribute of an object that is in an array to print it

I have to find the Motorola instance of the ClientCellular attribute. It is in a switch inside a for. Yes, the flow of control is a big mess but it occurred to me that way. Thanks in advance. The exercise is this: name and certificate of the fir...
asked by 11.11.2018 / 21:52

Java copy ArrayList type INTEGER to array type INT

I need to manage dynamic arrays so I use an arraylist, considering that there is no int type arraylist use an integer type, but in the function I need to use the values of the arraylist, it only accepts INT type, so I need to copy them to a INT...
asked by 09.11.2018 / 20:15

A method that returns an object of a class Daughter from an Array of the type of the Parent Class

Good you could help me to make a method that returns an object of so much Magazine / Novels of class Daughter being the arrangement of the inventory of type Books as a parent class, I need in the main program the object of the type of the class...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 17:16

Problems with array_push PHP 7.2

Greetings as they are all, I have a problem and I do not really know what happens, these are my versions: Server version: Apache / 2.4.18 (Ubuntu) PHP 7.2.11-4 + ubuntu16.04.1 + + 1 (cli) (built: Nov 4 2018 05:10:57) (NTS)...
asked by 09.11.2018 / 16:15