Someone who can guide me to correct this error, it appears in the (foreach) and so far I have not been able to correct it, likewise I put the code of my clsEntity, where the properties are .
@model model.entity.Alumno
ViewBag.Title = "i...
I have the following problem, since I made a branch change in my project, which I run on .net 4.6.1 (I tried already uploading and downloading the version and updating the unity libraries, and even deleting and re-cloning the project), and is th...
In this case I have this error, which I told you that I have already tried to solve it, removing and putting the dll and nothing to happened. Any solution ?
How can I do events in a checkBox set that I am creating, that is, I have my code:
for (int i = 1; i < NcheckBox; i++)
CheckBox cbxN = new CheckBox();
cbxN.Text = nameCheckbox[i];
cbxN.AutoPostBack = true;
I am trying to show a dropdownlist, of an entity that I have in my model, for that I used entityframework database first.
Code in my view:
<div class="col-md-10">
@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Nivel.NivelID, new Sele...
Unable to convert an object of type
'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputGenericControl' to the type
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
I am trying to add series of an article so that it can be moved to another warehouse
the functionality is that when you click on the hipperlink control the records to which you intend to add series, it is redirected to a page, in which you mu...
Generate the publication of my webforms application (framework 4.5.2) and upload it to an IIS 7.0. The content without interaction with the user works well, but at the time of entering the login I find the following error "Object reference not e...
After receiving the data I try to insert them, however InsertOnSubmit sends me a message that says "DBSET does not contain a definition.
BastionContext ctx = new BastionContext();
vehiculos_bastion us = new vehiculos_bastion