I am programming in asp mvc with c # and I have an action declared as follows: public FileResult ViewImage(int ImageFileItemId, int MaxWidth, int MaxHeight, bool FixedWidthHeight, string JpegQuality) . I would like to validate that t...
I would like to know how I can fill a "Date" type textbox with a date obtained from a SQL Server table
Currently I have it like this
txtFecha.Text = (((DateTime)firstTable.Rows[0]["FechaCredito"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")).ToString();
Hello, I would like you to help me. I am new to asp.net core and I am making a login that if it is correct enter and through the database of the procedure I return the menu according to the user who enters.
That is, in the database I have made i...
How can I fill a DropDownList that stores me the last five previous dates beginning with, say, today?
And when selecting a date I upload a GridView that is linked to a database; a table that contai...
byte[] binaryCertData = Convert.FromBase64String(lstSellosCliente[0].ArchivoCer);
var objCert = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(binaryCertData);
StringBuilder objSB = new StringBuilder();
I have an action filter that validates me if there is a data or this is true or false to then redirect to an external url. Redirection works well. But I have the filter in my controller globally and when I enter the controller...
I need to create a sequence that is inserted by default, that is, I need that when inserting a record it is inserted by default,
fn000001,fn000002, ect.
This is the code on the Origin page
<li class=" column list-group-item float-e-margins">
<a href="~/Questions/Questions?valor=1">
<span class=" label label-primary">REGISTRO</span>
I have the following code to show data from a selected sql and I want to show that data in the following way, but it does not show them to me. And if I put it inside a repeater "he repeats it several times" and I only want to show it once....