I have a problem, this happens when on responsive I make the screen smaller because the text does not fit:
There are 4 articles in cols of Bootstrap, I have tried to give clearfix behind all the article so everyone should be enlarged, b...
My table does not seem to take the class table-bordered , what's wrong?
This is my code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+05...
I have a problem with a Date Picker Range Bootstrap, since it is shown in the back of my modal, try a z-indez:-1 , but I do not see favorable changes.
This is my code:
$(function() {
var start = moment().subtract(29,...
I have problems with a form that is inside a bootstrap table. The form outside the table is shown to me like this:
Whereas if I generate the forms dynamically within a table, these are messed up:
This is the code:
I have a login form in a modal in bootstrap 4, and I want autofocus in the fields email and password .
<form action="proceso.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="...
Greetings, I have downloaded a Laravel project from a repository which I am a contributor and at the time of executing it (previously I put it in htdocs and changed the execution path in Netbeans) the following error occurs:
Warning: require(C...
I'm getting this error in the console when I installed the "datatables" library with npm.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classes' of undefined
at Object.o.2 (main.js? [sm]:2408)
at r (main.js? [sm]:1)
at main.js? [sm]:1
at Object.o....
Hi, thanks for your help. I have a modal form that gets the values of a Mysql query. But I can not pass the modal form values to the file update data by $.ajax() . I have searched a lot, but I am a beginner and I do not find the way, I wou...
I have a page HTML , which should allow me to enter information from a modal.
What I need is that before launching the modal, the user must select two options otherwise it will not start.
I put the following code as an example:...
I try to install boostrap and jquery in my project but I get this error.
Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery
at Object. (app.js: sourcemap: 10906)
at webpack_require (app.js: sourcemap: 20)
at Object._typeof (...