I am trying to understand why it does not execute a method from a non-static public class ( public class DatosHandler ), even a static method:
public class DatosHandler
public static DataTable ConsultaFacturasAll()
I am working with iTextSharp. He used a function to generate a PDF file, and save it, with the following piece of code:
private void To_pdf()
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate(), 10, 10, 10...
I have a mvc web application that requests as a homepage to verify your identification and if it is correct send to the main page, the action is correctly fulfilled using authentication Forms and redirects to this if you try to go directly v...
What happens is that I have to generate a report daily from some data obtained from the BD. I generate the report and send it by mail from a button, now the application will be hosted on a server, then it is required that once it is executed and...
I am developing a web solution in c # asp.net so that, from the front, put together an object JSON complex so that, when received in the back, save the values in a SQL Server 2012 database.
The JSON comple...
Good, I would appreciate if someone can take this apart and explain it to "fools".
I understand things, that is why I have reached that point of the course, but I do not understand several things.
Someone with some clear concept? I know I have t...
I need to use the currency format
When using the annotation:
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:C2}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public Nullable<float> monto { get; set; }
Good morning, I have to search through a FOREACH if a capo contains any of the chains.
foreach (var item in Clientes.Listado)
if (item.Nombre.Contains("Juan") || item.Nombre.Contains("Carlos") ||...
If I add a RadioButton control and specify a property in the ViemModel , I can do the Binding normally, but if I have a list of objects and create a RadioButton for each object in the list, does it? how is it done so t...
I have a Json that comes down from an Api of wunderground and it's huge. How can I pass it to an object from which I can retrieve the data in a legible and neat way?
I tried that, but it did not work.
public void ProcesaJson{
var cli = ne...