Questions tagged as 'c#'


Is it possible to save excel workbook in vsto c #?

I am looking for how to assign the option to save workbook to a button. as the image Try this but it does not save the current workbook, it only generates a new one. var saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog() //create new instance of s...
asked by 07.08.2018 / 20:53

How to read emails from an account with several mailboxes in C #?

I have a program that is able to read the emails from my main account, but I need you to read the emails of another mailbox that is not my main mailbox, but one that has privileges, but it is not my main mailbox. So far I have only achieved that...
asked by 03.08.2018 / 14:55

Save a txt in my solution

Hello, I hope you can help me. I have this code using(StreamWriter escritor = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Prueba.txt")) { escritor.WriteLine("Hola"); } The problem is that when I upload it to my host it does not save the file by the route...
asked by 03.08.2018 / 17:56

Quicksort, for two-dimensional matrix

How I am doing a program in which I need to apply Quicksort, now I work with a two-dimensional matrix, what I want to achieve is that when 2 equal numbers are compared ( matriz[i,j] <= matriz[i+1,j] ) the value [i,j+1] and the va...
asked by 03.09.2018 / 06:07

Error when registering object with list of objects with reference to other objects obtained from another context ENTITY FRAMEWORK C #

I'm having a problem. This is my domain: Class1 List classes2; Class2 Class3 class3; Class4 class4; To create class 2, I consult a context that returns Class 3 and Class 4 (both 2 already exist) After creating it (class2),...
asked by 30.08.2018 / 17:37

Submission of Form and Data from Table to ASP .NET Controller by AJAX

This is my first question on this platform. I am new with the ASP .NET framework and I have a problem that I tell you: I have a table that is generated as products are added to it to be billed. I also have a form with the data of the invoice....
asked by 05.09.2018 / 16:08

no data is displayed with extJS and C #

I have a problem with extJS and c # does not show any data just a header, I just want to show the records of my sql table, but I could not, my backend works fine and if it returns the records of my BD, the problem is is that they are not bindean...
asked by 20.07.2018 / 19:40

save datetimepicker in mysql

Hello, good morning to all, along with saying hello I wanted to see if you could guide me a bit: I have a project in layers c # and mysql, I have to save a date from a datetimepicker to a datetime field of mysql, but it shows me these errors :...
asked by 19.07.2018 / 17:19

Get selected items from ComboBoxEdit

I'm working with some DevExpress controls and I have a problem, I want to get the values that are selected from the ComboBoxEdit that is inside a ListView but I can not, I add the code that I'm working with. <ListView x:Name="listCheck" Gr...
asked by 25.07.2018 / 21:56

How to exclude an element from a ComboBox in C #?

They could help me I have a grid in which I load a ComboBox control which is binded to a table, the problem is that I need to exclude the current grid element from the ComboBox and show all the others. Try the following if it works but the ta...
asked by 26.07.2018 / 02:26