How can I draw these specific figures on the panels?
I have two panels to which I want to draw these two figures:
A figure in each one, could put the image as such in the background property BackgroundImage of the panel,...
When I want to export a list of type IEnumerable from Chrome it gives me an error that says "Error: network error". I try it in Firefox and it's ok, download the file. Someone will know how to solve this, or have an alternative (another method t...
I currently have a grid that is automatically filled when I open the form,
but when writing in the txt (code of the extinguisher) I need to filter in the grid depending on the id_extintor with the data already loaded in the grid (without c...
I have an external dll that I have to use in C #. This external dll has a method to which a pointer to a method of my code is passed.
In the old code the function AddressOf of VB was used but now I have to do it with C #. All I've read is using...
I was trying to register using a query in c # the in a MySQL database
What I do in c # is:
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO cola_llamadas(fecha,queueName,cola)" +
"VALUES(DATE_FORMAT('"+DateTime.Now+"', '...
I have to store the files of a directory in an array and then traverse that array.
System.IO.DriveInfo dirOrigen = new System.IO.DriveInfo(ruta1);
System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirOrigenInfo = dirOrigen.RootDirectory;
System.IO.FileInfo[] fileDirO...
Hello, I'm looking for help with a little problem I have
My question is how can I convert the text that contains a file.txt to binary and vice versa
I understand that using the BinaryWriter class I can convert text to binary in case with w...
Good morning,
I'm trying to do a POST of a Json with a permanent token, but it always gives me error 401 unauthorized , code:
public static async Task<Uri> CrearitemAsync(Item item)
using (var client = new HttpClie...
Throw the Exception when creating a Report and pass it a Dataset :
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
tabla.TableName = "tablename";
Rpt.MyRpt reporte = new Rpt.MyRpt();
The exception happe...