Questions tagged as 'c++'


use of vectors [closed]

I need to register a number of people entered by the user, search for them and then show them, but I do not know how to look for that information and how to show it. I did a function buscar_datos and mostrar_datos . void ingresar_...
asked by 08.11.2017 / 03:44

Warning C4840 in va_start

So far I had no problems with the code I attached in VS2015.    VS2017 shows me the following warning: warning C4840: non-portable use of the class' ATL :: CStringT > > as an argument of a variádica function and I do not guess why.    I...
asked by 29.07.2017 / 11:47

Error breaking a c ++ program into .h, .cpp, and main.cpp files

I have sliced a moyenne.cpp program that makes the average of a c ++ rating vector in three: main.cpp , moyenne.cpp and moyenne.h . The file only works, but today the program tells me when it did g++ main.cpp -o m...
asked by 13.04.2017 / 15:25

Postfix to tree and then to stack C ++

I'm trying to make the following pseudocodigo Pseudocodigo: Algoritmo-Posfija-Árbol INICIO Crear pila y árbol, inicialmente vacíos MIENTRAS posfija no este vacía y no hay errores HACER Extraer el primer termino de posfija (...
asked by 12.04.2017 / 19:12

Reading line to line of file .txt

I am trying to read a .txt file using C ++, in which the user enters (in this case a "user" and a "pass") two data, and when you compare them, if both, print on the screen a type "Login correct". The code is as follows: #include <iostream&g...
asked by 04.04.2017 / 22:12

Textures are not displayed in OpenGL

I have a problem. I'm using Xcode and OpenGL for a graphing project. I find the following problem: The images are not shown on the screen. Only the picture where I want to place the texture is drawn. My code is as follows: Header: Image.hp...
asked by 26.03.2017 / 06:15

C ++ Map as function output in VBA

I have a C ++ code that returns a map to me. I have created a dll and I call it from an Excel macro. Then, in that macro, I need a dictionary (Scripting.Dictionary) . I tried to do the following: Declare Function ExlFunct Lib "dire...
asked by 26.04.2017 / 14:10

Error compiling a class in C ++

I get two mistakes and I do not know why. Statement of the exercise:    Implement the TAD (abstract data type) ConjuntoCadenas .       This TAD will consist of a structure capable of storing a set of at most 100 different string...
asked by 18.03.2017 / 20:10

Makefile does not find .hpp

I have 2 folders in my project, 1 called Builds containing the Makefile and a test program (test-P0-console.cpp) and another called P0 with the date and string classes (date.hpp / cpp and string. hpp / cpp). The test-P0-console.cpp file includes...
asked by 17.03.2017 / 18:20

Problem with variable and fopen VC ++

I've been breaking my head with this problem because if I occupy Codeblocks with wingw it does not throw me any problems char *getArchivoSalida(int num) { char nombre[1024] = ""; sprintf(nombre, "Imagenx%d.ppm", num); ofstream...
asked by 12.01.2017 / 18:55