<form id="idlogin" action="<?= base_url('login/ingresar'); ?>" method="post" role="form" >
Login is a controller class Login extends CI_Controller
that has a function enter
function ingresar(){
I do not upload the image and I do not know what I have wrong thanks
foreach ($adjuntos_documents as $adjuntos){
echo "<div class='content_documents'>";
echo "<div class='document2'>";
echo '<img alt="Ad...
I have my query that returns
"products": [
"id": "1",
"name": "entrada p 1",
"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,...
I have my table proveedor with a field called status 1 active 0 removed, I only update when removing
$data => array('status' => 0);
Try changing the update to del...
I am using Codeignter and I have the following error:
Message: Too few arguments to function CtrlPdfTest :: index (), 0
passed in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ bioanestesys \ system \ core \ CodeIgniter.php on
line 532 and exactly 3 expected...
I would like you to help me, I can not find the error, I see that you return the data, but they are not shown. I'm trying to auto-complete using bootstrap
<script type="text/javascript">
//para agregar servicios (valores en campos ocultos)
data = $(this).val();
if (data !='') {
infoservicio = data.split("*");
html = "";
html += ""+infoservicio1+"";...
I have this query to the DB, but I do not know if the syntax is ok
$this->db->select('rut_usu, fecha_ini, fecha_ter');
$this->db->where('rut_usu=',$rut_usu,'AND fecha_ini=',$fecha_ini,'A...