I made this code
function reestructurar(dir,fileA){
var seto = new Set([]);
read('${dir}/training/${fileA}', contentT => {
for (var i = 0, chunki = contentT.split('\r\n'), leni =chunki.length; i < leni; i++){
I work in a company that makes the collection service to bank customers (banks are our clients) and I mention this so that I do not think I do it for non-legal purposes.
What is the best mechanism to eliminate existing data in another collect...
I have the following code:
For Each Subitem In lstGastoResumen_Area
Dim MesRealSub
Dim MesPPTOSub
MesRealSub = Aggregate y In lstGastoResumen Where y.Area = Subitem And y.Anio = Anio1 Into Sum(y.FebRealSoles)
MesPPTOSub = Aggr...