I have a Git 'git1' repository that has about 35,000 commits. I need to create a new repository 'git2' that contains the last 1,000 commits of git1, is there any way to do this ??
Thanks in advance.
I have a very serious problem. Working in my repository have lost commits , and I need to return the repo to a specific commit .
It is a repository of a simple web that I was doing.
The API shows the commit that I want to return (see...
In the following procedure stored in sql server 2012, I get the following error when I execute it with the statement:
EXEC DBRepStage.dbo.spDesbloquear '172011235114','2016-03-03 09:32:52.000','xxxx','03/03/2016 11:15:53'
The result is:...