Questions tagged as 'cron'


How to create a scheduled CRON task in linux

I have a scheduled task that executes a script in php and it verifies me in MYSQL database if there are other tasks programmed and what is its status. I understand that to create a task I must do the following crontab -e in the linux c...
asked by 03.11.2018 / 16:47

the cron is executed several times by several users

I have several CRONs in a raspberry pi and I've noticed that they run more than once, especially one that should run every 5 minutes but do it 3 times, I had the user write that I executed that file with a Random name so that the evidence is not...
asked by 11.09.2018 / 19:31

Send email with cron and with accents

I want to send an email through a cron, the mail is testing to see what is wrong with other chronons that I have. I'm sending this concretely: #!/bin/bash cat /root/tareas/scripts/test/header.txt /root/tareas/scripts/test/facturas_a_gestionar...
asked by 07.09.2018 / 17:39

PHP cron / scheduled automatic task

The goal is that having script.php, it is launched only every day as if it were 0 0 * * * script.php. It must be agnostically because it can be hosted in different mv windows / linux and without depending on a container in which we can schedu...
asked by 23.05.2018 / 16:59

Does Cron Jobs accept session_start ()?

My code starts like this: <?php session_start('teste'); require '../Meli/meli.php'; and this answer me:    public_html / php-sdk-master / examples / logaem.php: line 1:? php: No such   file or directory       public_html / php-sdk-m...
asked by 01.08.2017 / 04:16

Help with cron to backup a MySQL bdd

I want to create a backup of my database (MySql with phpMyAdmin) and I found the following script to be able to automate it: echo off mysqldump -hlocalhost -udb_admin -pContrasenaDb bdd_n1 > copia_seguridad_%Date:~6,4%%Date:~3,2%%Date:~0,2...
asked by 16.07.2017 / 13:47

running a cron in nodejs

I use the cron library to run the following snippet of code pepinosModelo.find() .exec() .then(pepinos => { pepinos.forEach(pepino => { let frecuencia = pepino.frecuente(); let nuevoTrans = [{ chocolate:tr...
asked by 31.01.2017 / 21:49