Questions tagged as 'cursor'


FATAL EXCEPTION: main ... Load SQLite query to arrayList and pass it to Recyclerview

Hi, I have a project in Android and what I need is to pass the data of a cursor, that is, a query to an arraylist, and then pass that array to another to "map" each column of the cursor in a class to show the data in a recyclerview. I really hop...
asked by 31.08.2018 / 20:04

sql use cursor to perform an operation between two tables

I have been asked to create a trigger which realizes an update of the balance field of the loan table, which is calculated by adding all the payments made in the column amount in the payment tablePrestamos, so I must do an update of all the Loan...
asked by 27.11.2018 / 08:16

RecyclerView creates a ghost record when deleting

I have a problem removing an item from my RecyclerView (which is linked to a database SQLite ). After successfully removing the data from both the database and the view, the animation is shown as deleted, but then a new element appears at the...
asked by 27.01.2017 / 17:48

Number of Open Cursors in SQL SERVER 2000

Has anyone any idea how to check the number of open cursors in a SQL SERVER 2000 database? Thank you.     
asked by 13.07.2018 / 17:44

sp_rename in SQL server inside an exec

I want to use the sql server sp_rename function, the problem is that I have to put it inside an exec, since the database on which it runs is dynamic and I have it inside a cursor. The fact is that the following sentence works correctly: EXEC (...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 18:32

Search repeated record in a cursor with FOXPRO

CREATE CURSOR oproductos (; codant c(150),; marca c(15),; modelo c(15),; nroserie c(50),; codfab c(15),; nombre c(90)) SELECT oproductos GOTO TOP that cursor filled it in a grid with data when importing from excel, What I need, is to check...
asked by 09.12.2018 / 16:13


I am working with cursors whose behavioral parameter is SCROLL but I do not understand what is the objective of two of its functions when it comes to making the FETCH . I do not understand what they do or what they serve FETCH AB...
asked by 14.06.2018 / 12:47

doubt with Cursor type_warning

I can not understand how this type of cursor works, does anyone know or have an example in SQL? In the documentation says this:    Specifies that a warning message is sent to the client when the cursor is implicitly converted from the request...
asked by 30.10.2017 / 13:43

Recyclerview shows repeated data

I have 2 records inserted in a SQLite table and I load them into an array to show them in a recyclerview with an Adapter, but in the recyclerview it shows me the second record twice, here I leave the code: @Override public View onCreateVie...
asked by 16.09.2018 / 05:55

C # Desktop: How do I get the current cursor icon?

Get the current cursor I have a form in which I change the icon to the cursor to add a certain icon to a TableLayoutPanel, but I can not find a way in which I can get the icon that currently has the cursor, I was reviewing the properties of t...
asked by 27.06.2018 / 22:47