I want to be able to capture the id corresponding to a row in my Server-side processing datatable , in order to delete and update the records, for now I only have the power to delete and it is that I am stuck in an error that when I...
If they are fixed when we click on table1 a table is shown and that's all fine. But if they are fixed after displaying the table, a non-pleasant space is generated (after the page) and that space appears until the second accordion...
I am using datatables server side of Yajra for Laravel and I have the following:
var table = $("#dt_user_draw").DataTable({
destroy: true,
processing: true,
responsive: true,
serverSide: true,
ordering: false,
"ajax": {
Working with ASP.NET MVC, I am using the library DataTable.net
I am bringing data from the database through a JsonResult that returns the information in plain text.
// GET: Cliente
public ActionResult Index()
For example, I have a datatable:
<script type="text/javascript" class="init">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#table_1').DataTable( );
<table id="table_1" class="table table-striped table-bordered" >
I have a table as shown in the image, and I want to show a modal window by clicking on the icon of each record, in the modal window it is necessary to search and display the details of the selected record as shown in the image ( is where I in...
I have a problem when I want to hide checkbox inside a column of a table with datatables.
The problem is that only the checkboxes that are shown in the table are hidden, if for example I am showing 10 rows, only the checkboxes of those 10 row...
I try to sort by ACEPTACION , how do I do it?
I want to use jQuery DataTables to use
order: [
[3, 'asc']
let validacion = [1, 3, 5, 4, 2];
let personas = ["ana", "juan", "pedro", "maria", "gustavo"];
var html = "<...