Questions tagged as 'datepicker'


Problems loading datepicker inside a div col-lg-pull bootstrap

In the input that I enter date, use datepicker in the following way: <div class="col-lg-2"> <input type="text" class="form-control" title="" id="fechar"> </div> $(document).ready(function () { $("#fechar").addClass("d...
asked by 11.08.2018 / 06:36

datepicker problem and modal window bootstrap

I have the following problem and I have not been able to solve it. I have a bootstrap modal sale. Inside the one an input where the date picker is loaded. It works well, but when selecting a date, it is not loaded in the input. I have tried ever...
asked by 10.08.2018 / 21:36

Adapt different levels of grid so as not to affect the different components of the window

I have the following code to make a calendar selector, but the grid of the month change buttons make the calendar appear separate: def setup(self, y, m): left = Button(self.parent, text='<', command=self.go_prev) self.wid.append(lef...
asked by 06.08.2018 / 11:14

Change date format in datepicker

My problem is as follows, from the database I receive the dates indicated in the following image (with the format of dmy) But when you receive it in the datepicker, you take it in another format And this means that on this date you can...
asked by 04.07.2018 / 23:20

How to set the current date by default in calendar with javascript?

I have these two fields of date type, which I use to establish a period of dates <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group date" id="datetimepicker1"> <input id="fechInicio" name="fechInicio" class="form-contr...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 02:28

Dates driving datepicker

I'm doing an employee control system, my problem is with the dates since I do not keep them as I should, this code is the one I use to collect the data within a form <?php //conectar a la base de datos include "conexion.php"; //realizar c...
asked by 05.06.2018 / 16:34

Datepicker does not display when I load data with a C # search, Bootstrap. ASP NET

I have a problem I'm making a page in which when the charge is a search button, I enter a data and I load several textbox. The question is that one of the textbox I use to load a date manually, it is disabled when the data is loaded here is the...
asked by 27.05.2018 / 09:23

Problems with Boostrap datepicker

I am using BOOTSTRAP , to have a calendar on my website. It works well, except that when loading the page, I see the calendar already displayed. the definition HTML of the field is: <label for="txtfechainicio" class="alignce...
asked by 28.05.2018 / 23:45

remote validation and bootstrap datepicker conflict

Good morning. It is a web application MVC 5 c #. I installed the datepicker bootstrap and it works very well in Spanish, after making some fixes with globalize.js. The issue is that then I created a remote validator and there is a conflict. W...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 01:39

Pass datepicker date to php

I have a datepicker on my website with which I intend to pass the selected date through the url, for example, to update certain information on that website. (I do not want to use Ajax). The problem is that as I have done it, the form always c...
asked by 26.05.2018 / 19:13