I have three tables, one of users that relates one to many with a table, and that one is related to the table phone_type, my calendar table has the id_agenda, user_id, phone_type_id, phone. When I create my model I only have the properties of my...
Friends, the scenario is this: when I want to edit a record in my BD, I'm using context.Entry(entidad).State = EntityState.Modified; ; the problem arises that when you get to this line, you throw this exception to me
Attaching an ent...
I'm getting the following error when returning an object when validating the login:
You can not implicitly convert the type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' 'to' Business.clsUser.ValidSessionU '. An explicit conversion already exists (check if a c...
I am trying to persist against a MySql database using the Entity Framework the Code-First approach, use in EF6
I do not get an error, The problem is that I do not create the database or the table or add the records I persist.
We show our im...
I have an aspx project in the use of the repository, generic, and I am starting to use the async methods that the entity framework offers to interact with the database, when trying to save a record, it always hangs up and does not advance the co...
I'm working with Entity Framework 6 approach code-first, is it necessary to use transaction when registering header and detail, when using EF6?
public void InsertOrUpdate(Compra entity)
using (var context = new PosContext())...
I'm having a problem with LINQ, using EntityFramework 6
First, to enter the context, I leave the Problem Model ..
public partial class Datos_Garantizados
public long Version { get; set; }
public decima...
I am doing several movements at the same time, and I try to achieve that if one screen I make an exit, in the other being open I check the existence of data, so I am using the extension of Linq "asNoTracking" to be able to consult the correct da...
I am managing a project with MVC and EF 6.2 , in my model I have an entity that has four fields:
public class Entidad
public string campo1 {get; set;}
public string campo2 {get; set;}
public string campo3 {get; set;}