Questions tagged as 'excel'


Export sql server records to several excel files

I have problems exporting records in several excel files, due to the maximum restriction of excel, I can only export 1,048,576 rows, I have thought to perform the division of records per year and per month, in order to reach in several tabs , bu...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 17:06

How can I create report with Python from mongoDB Excel format?

I am looking for an option to generate a document in excel format, with information from a MongoDB database using the panda module, but until now I do not get it, it only generates the empty document and gives an error Code that I use: impo...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 17:01

Play MP4 files, without creating a playlist

I am creating a learning system for children through cards that have an animal and a bar code. The idea is to play an initial video, in LOOP, asking the child to choose a card and pass it through the reader. Then the system shows you a video of...
asked by 12.08.2018 / 20:48

Read xls with eeplus

I'm working with eeplus and I'm having some problems when it comes to importing information > To use as an example, I have an excel document with the following characteristics: A |B |C |D 1 |Id | Nombre | Apellido 2 |0 | Juan...
asked by 07.08.2018 / 18:28

problems when importing Excel file into MVC C #

I have the following code in the controller to import data from an Excel file: public ActionResult importarExcel() { var retorno = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { var fileuploader =...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 20:38

Excel in cakephp 2.x

I'm supposed to be calling excel to be able to use it on my site This is how I call the object to start working with an excel, but I get this error: and the library is as follows: That Lib is within app...
asked by 07.08.2018 / 00:20

JXLS compare two variables in excel

I am encountering a problem using the jxls library. If I compare two values of two different variables, inside the jx: if tag, it returns true in the test and I also print the row that contains the label, when I should skip it and show what it c...
asked by 26.07.2018 / 17:46

Macro error print chips in pdf

I'm working on a code to execute a macro that prints different sheets of a book in Excel based on a series of variables. Step by step, the macro executes correctly at 100% but from its assigned button, the cards are printed correctly, except...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 14:58

Question VBA Sub paste within sub paste VBA

I am working on a macro to copy and paste data into a table and into the blank cell that is available consecutively. However, there is data in another sheet that I want you to paste the data after the first SUB that ran. I mean I want you to...
asked by 20.07.2018 / 18:39

Get% compliance from a column in Power BI

I'm doing a column calculated in Power BI called Compliance, the column is formed as follows: Cumplimiento = IF('SLA Service Now'[Ha producido una infracción]=FALSE(),( DIVIDE(COUNT('SLA Service Now'[Status SLA]),[Conteo de tickets],90)))...
asked by 20.07.2018 / 17:44