Questions tagged as 'extjs'


Fill a texfield from a combobox in EXTJS6

I had to continue a project and I have some doubts about EXTJS6 . It happens that the one who worked before used Sencha Architech, which I do not know how to use it very well so the files I have been seeing and understanding them by han...
asked by 06.06.2017 / 02:32

How do I convert a condition if in a method that can be called in EXTJS6?

I have a grid in EXTJS where when adding a row (day), it is filled with schedules and verifies that the sum of all the hours is not greater than X value, and if it is not greater, it allows adding more rows until complete the hours. There is...
asked by 09.06.2017 / 18:25

configure a topic in extJS

good evening srs. I'm doing an app in extJS 6 with sencha CMD6 and I'd like to use the crisp theme but the compiler gives me an error when I run the wath build or app. currently has a classic neptune that I do not like the app '/ **      * Th...
asked by 20.06.2016 / 05:55

Filter in plugin does not work correctly - ExtJS

I would like to know if you can help me with the following problems that occurred to me when creating filters within the plugin that I am creating. Problem 1: The filter with the listener change I have assigned to clean the data...
asked by 19.04.2016 / 19:11

Problem with Form loading files Extjs

I want you to capture a rpt file in the design part more than anything, I have 2 fileuploadfield are shown as follows. As you can see there is a space too big between the button and the box this is the code I have:...
asked by 05.04.2017 / 16:32

How to load data returned with spring mvc in an ExtJs grid?

A couple of days ago I look for the solution to my problem and nothing, and that is that I am working with java framework Spring MVC with SQL connection and integrated with Extjs 6.2 I try to load the data that returns spring to me within a grid...
asked by 10.08.2018 / 16:38

show Select sql with extJS in .net

someone can help me I am using extJS but I can not show the data of a table in my database in a MVC grid use of .Net, this error marks me app.js var store = Ext.create('', { storeId: 'myData', reader: n...
asked by 19.07.2018 / 21:16

How to send Spring MVC a JSON of a formula with ExtJS (6.2.0)?

I'm making a Login using Spring MVC and ExtJS version 6.2.0. It does not work for me and I have already surfed without finding the solution since I pick up the username and password and supposedly send it to my Spring driver and there process th...
asked by 21.07.2018 / 16:31

Login in Spring Security 5 with Extjs App 6

I am developing an application in ExtJs 6.5 with spring security 5. I have a login form with the user and password fields. In the submit function of the same send the data to the server localhost: 8080 / login / j_spring_security_check. The firs...
asked by 19.06.2018 / 18:18

Send 1/0 instead of true / false in a checkbox within a grid (editor)

I have this code: { xtype: 'checkcolumn', header: 'Contacto de Emergencia', dataIndex: 'contactoEmergencia', listeners: { beforecheckchange: function() { return false; } }, width: 60, editor...
asked by 03.03.2018 / 22:31