Questions tagged as 'flask'


Problem with user registration and login in flask

hello I need an opinion I'm developing a api rest with python flask but I have a small problem with a class my code is modularized in parts for more flexibility of functions in the api but when registering and loging users this class works cor...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 03:14

flask, send data from one table to another template

I have a table in html, which is filled with data that the user adds, so the table can have an infinite number of rows. this window with the table is started using flask with python, from table.html <div class="row">...
asked by 05.07.2018 / 00:25

Consult mysql with Flask

I am trying to make a query to MySQL that should bring data in a set date range and it does not work, if I could make other queries but it does not work, the data of the date range are two input type="date" I show them the code: <for...
asked by 22.06.2018 / 14:09

how to translate Latin characters to Html entities using flask

I'm using Flask, to capture a text with an Html form. In the form I have put the acept-encoding=ISO-8859-1 . But when in the form I type a tiny letter, it turns out that through the POST of the form, I get a UNICODE, with ordinal 65533. An...
asked by 03.06.2018 / 13:09

I can not bring mysql information in form with flask

Hello everyone my question is because I can not bring information from the mysql database .. I have a form in html I am using flask and I put a value in the input and by pressing "enter"  I need you to fill in the other controls with the related...
asked by 29.05.2018 / 14:39

Table with BLOB value to json

I'm working with Flask, SQLALchemy and sqlite ... I have several tables which I can return completely in JSON format using: enemies = enemyService.getAll() return jsonify(json_list=[i.serialize for i in enemies]) Now, in this case the table...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 02:28

Python Peewee AttributeError - When I consult with more than one join

I am trying to make a query with ORM Peewee with a connection to an existing database . Specifically I need to relate three tables with joins but I get the following error: (work) C: \ Users \ eguzman \ Documents \ python-work \ asterisk-...
asked by 17.05.2018 / 23:28

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied Windows

I am doing a web application with flask and in one part an image is uploaded but when I do the process I get the error that I do not have permissions, I already executed as administrator the windows CMD, I gave it permissions of the folder in th...
asked by 12.05.2018 / 00:02

Validate a field of type Float accept zeros after a decimal point in SQLAlchemy

I am using the Sqlalchemy orm, when I enter a data of type Float or Numeric does not accept zeros, example: price = 12.0231 price = 12.1021 price = 12.0012 The previous ones, if you keep the zeros The problem is when the z...
asked by 25.02.2018 / 02:17

Receive Notifications in Market Payment with Flask

The documentation indicates that we can receive a post of market payment in Python this function: def index(req, **kwargs): mp = mercadopago.MP(CLIENT_ID, ACCESS_TOKEN) paymentInfo = mp.get_payment_info(kwargs["id"]) if paymentInfo...
asked by 29.01.2018 / 12:18