What I want is that when you click on a check, the KML layer appears with all its data. This code was taken here .
But it is not displayed to me and I also get an error in the console "Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined"
I am using native Google Maps on Ionic 2, the map appears and a bookmark is added, that works well. But events related to the marker do not work, in this test I am using the event MARKER_DRAG_END
Google Maps Native
export class Mapa {...
I have the Google Maps app in swift but I have an error:
This is my code:
@IBOutlet weak var mapa: GMSMapView!
let camera = GMSCameraPosition.camera(withLatitude: lat, longitude: lon, zoom: 14)
let mapView = GMSMapView.map(withFram...
Good afternoon! I was already googling to know if there is any way to add a bookmark to a map without having to reload onMapReady.
This is what I tried:
With the following code I execute Alerts which is a WS that is returning me a seri...
I'm inserting a geolocation in Android Studio for an app:
private void miUbiacion() {
LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,...
I need an app to generate URL's with a signature at the end based on a "URL signature secret" and the URL itself, according to what is established by Google Maps Static API in the following link:
I have written the following code,...
I have a database where I store the path of images which are in a folder, I want to bring the image using PHP and then put it in a marker, the code I have to do this is the following:
that code take it out of link
but I still can not see the i...
Hello, I am using the Google Maps API. Where I have to create a circle around the market created. I perform it with (works correctly)
createCircle(loc: LatLng){
return this.map.addCircle(
{'center': loc,
'radius': 300,...
I am exploring the api of google maps indications, based on the example I tried to change the values of those with latitude and longitude values to locate different places, I also tried to put addresses but it did not give me results.
Maybe s...
I'm doing tests with googlemaps using ionic 3.14
I have managed to visualize the map,
Now I'm trying to perform geo-mapping to show my current location using the CameraPosition method
This is the code that I was able to find