Questions tagged as 'gradle'


Configure Gradle

I have added dependencies to the gradle, and I know in new versions the compile was changed to the implementation , but the provided I do not know if it has changed. If you have not changed this would be a correct% gradle...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 12:59

Problem with gradle in android studio

I updated android studio and I had to update gradle and others the issue is that this one does not synchronize me, can someone help me configure gradle? Thanks from now. module: app apply plugin: '' android { com...
asked by 11.11.2018 / 00:09

Problem with the Gradle when running the project on flutter in Android Studio

I just started a flutter project with the Android Studio, and as basic as it was to run, to run it in the Genymotion emulator. When trying to run it, an error occurs. I have everything installed, and restart the programs and the " Flutter do...
asked by 25.10.2018 / 16:30

Error Could not get unknown property 'test' for project ': my-subproject' of type org.gradle.api.Project

I'm getting the error Could not get unknown property 'test' for project ': my-subproject' of type org.gradle.api.Project when I try to compile a gradle multiproject using a pipeline in VSTS. If I execute "gradlew build" directly in the project d...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 18:49

Error compiling Android app with gradle from command line

I have created a basic Android app from Android Studio, with just two buttons, simple, without modifying any configuration or compilation file. I'm trying to learn how to use Gradle from the command line, create compilation settings, etc ......
asked by 18.09.2018 / 00:43

Import project to visual studio 3

I'm trying to open a project that I downloaded from the internet, as I searched it is opening the path where the gradle folder is. In my case I am trying like this: C: \ Users \ JHON.gradle \ wrapper \ dists \ gradle-4.4-all \ 9br9xq1tocpiv8o6nj...
asked by 15.09.2018 / 13:16

error: incompatible types: android.provider.ContactsContract.Profile can not be converted

I got the error error: incompatible types: android.provider.ContactsContract.Profile cannot be converted to com.---.---.Profile and I spent some time thinking how to solve it, but I can not find the problem. The line that is failing m...
asked by 07.09.2018 / 12:40

Failed to resolve:

I'm using Android Studio version 3, the cell that I try uses the api 23, so I tried to change the gradle, but I get the error message Failed to resolve: apply plugin: '' android {...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 09:10

Error java.lang.StackOverflowError - Gradle, when selecting project in Eclipse Oxygen

Good morning everyone! I'm currently working with Gradle, the problem is that when you want to select a project to perform any task from the Gradle Task view, it seems that it becomes "crazy" and deals with it alone. select all the projects...
asked by 23.08.2018 / 17:33

Is it necessary to import the dependencies of a jar that is a dependency of my project?

When trying to use a jar (my own) in my project, gradle is causing me an error by not finding a dependency that uses the jar, should I import this dependency that is missing in my project? Why does this behavior happen? What is the good practice...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 20:59