Questions tagged as 'html'


Doubt with GET sending data

I have a list of users: <link>user1<link> <link>user2<link> <link>user3<link> . . etc. When I click on those links, the URL changes, for example: miAplicacion/user1 , miAplicacion/user2 ......
asked by 25.01.2017 / 01:20

Because my code does not work on mobile devices

I made this html that is responsible for controlling some relays in my arduino. On the pc my mac opening it with google chrome works perfectly. But when I compile it with phonegap and run it on Android, the GET requests are not sent. I strike th...
asked by 31.12.2016 / 19:27

Problem with jquery to prevent the page of a login from being reloaded?

I have the following jquery to validate the input data of a login, but I show the msj and the page is reloaded and the false return and e.preventDefault () does not do its function. $('#btnlog').closest('form').on('submit', function (e)...
asked by 10.12.2016 / 20:17

Why do I run this on all lines?

I'm trying to make every X lines insert a tr with a spacer, more or less I have it, but every time I get to the line to put the space, I put it in all the lines instead of in the line who does the jump. I'm using this code in javascript and j...
asked by 13.01.2017 / 20:38

How to do so that the value of the input does not disappear

I am new using the typeahead.js with Django . I am also using handlebars_min.js . When I write three characters, the elements of my list that match the search are displayed. When I click, the element is put in input . The problem is th...
asked by 12.01.2017 / 22:18

Use interpolation in Jade inside each

I am trying to iterate with an each in Jade, to generate a menu, but inside the to the href I do not iterate the array pages using the interpolation # {page}. However outside that label if it works. -var paginas = ["inicio","nosotros","servi...
asked by 26.12.2016 / 00:21

iPhone compatibility issues (HTML)

On the web I've made, I've had problems with iPhones. With all the other devices it works correctly, both Android, Windows even with MacOS, with different browsers. But if I use Safari on iOS I have several problems, such as when watching a vide...
asked by 02.12.2016 / 18:23

Doubt about css or jquery Menu

I'm doing a full-screen menu. I have a menu that when I hover over a link I show an extra descriptive text. The problem is that I'm doing it by css and when I do hover it makes me hover in all the elements of the menu and it shows me all the tex...
asked by 14.02.2017 / 20:11

Session_Start error

I was copying to a PC that I have, an old system import your database and I went to try it (this is called base_projecto ) it happened that the database had another name different from the one I had put it, change it in connection. (He told me...
asked by 17.02.2017 / 19:13

How to convert an image to base64 in ASP.NET MVC?

I have a WS that receives the following data: <token>string</token> <NroComputacion>string</NroComputacion> <NroCarnet>string</NroCarnet> <Foto>string</Foto> <Firma>stri...
asked by 26.10.2016 / 20:27