Questions tagged as 'ionic'


How to make ngFor wait for a function to finish - Ionic Angular

Good afternoon, I'm doing that when doing tap on a Select call a function that through http is completed an Array with the values that will then run through the * ngFor, the problem is that pressing the Select the first time does not it reaches...
asked by 09.12.2017 / 18:11

how to put the default date on the ion-datetime ionic date

I have a lot of problems with that ion-datetime date format. I just want to pass the date field that is in '2017-01-01 04:39:00' format to ion-datetime but I get format error. I have been looking for several hours how to solve this and nothing a...
asked by 30.11.2017 / 21:21

Make HTTP Request by Post in IONIC 3

Someone would know how to make a request for POST, passing a value per header and two parameters, I'm doing it data = { 'nombre_usuario' : 'josejoserra', 'password' : '1234'}; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
asked by 10.12.2017 / 18:19

Camara Nativa Ionic 3 Error: Illegal Argument Exception

Good afternoon, I want to use this plugin to take pictures, but when emulate it on my cell phone and inspecting its use, clicking on my button to capture the photo I get the following message and I have not been able to fix it, some help? ins...
asked by 10.12.2017 / 08:45

problems with variables type using ion-input

Performing a project with ionic 3 I had a very strange problem, I'm working on my file ts I use two variable of type number, but in my file html I have two elements <ion-input> of type="number" and with the di...
asked by 24.11.2017 / 15:58

Retrieve a post value from IONIC in PHP

Good morning, I'm doing tests with IONIC, and I try to do a REST API in PHP. The value is sent from the app through the following call: return + '/', body, reqOpts); The object I want to recover is the body,...
asked by 19.11.2017 / 13:53

Error creating Circle object in ionic 3

Hello, I am using the Google Maps API. Where I have to create a circle around the market created. I perform it with (works correctly) createCircle(loc: LatLng){ return {'center': loc, 'radius': 300,...
asked by 20.11.2017 / 01:32

error in CameraPosition in ionic 3

I'm doing tests with googlemaps using ionic 3.14 I have managed to visualize the map, Now I'm trying to perform geo-mapping to show my current location using the CameraPosition method This is the code that I was able to find moveCamer...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 03:31

Start variables with data from an Input

I am developing an App in Ionic ... in a module I am showing data from the database. These data bring an id, said id I'm placing it in a for later in my controller recover that id, and make actions on that record. The problem starts here, in my...
asked by 10.11.2017 / 22:18

Can a new ionic view be opened by clicking on an image?

I have a menu that shows images, in which when I click on them I want you to show me a new view (A view of Ionic). A view of Ionic itself, not the browser or things like that. Is it possible to do this ..? Thank you!! : D     
asked by 28.10.2017 / 17:58