Questions tagged as 'ireport'


Jasper iReport, subreport in header does not repeat

I have a static text and a subreport in my page header, the static text is repeated on all the pages as it is supposed to happen, but the subreporte is only painted on the first page, How to repeat the subreporte of the header in all the pages?...
asked by 20.07.2018 / 17:11

JasperSoft iReport, tabs

I have a list of data as follows: | Name | Last name | Hours | Month | The data I want to put in different tabs according to the month, I tried putting the condition in the break but it does not work and it would not be optimal to have to...
asked by 18.07.2018 / 22:34

How to send a report to call with iReport

Hello, I created a report with ireport and jsperReport and I used this code: String path = "C:\Users\Juan\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Archivero\src\Reportes\Pendientes.jrxml"; try { JasperReport reporte; reporte=(JasperReport)JRLoader.l...
asked by 04.06.2018 / 20:35

Error in impirmir report ireport

When I click the generate report button, it flags this error getWriter () has already been called for this response ireport     
asked by 06.06.2018 / 03:41

Is it possible to place a Base64 image on a PDF with Ireport v3.0?

I have a base 64 image, and I want to place it in an Ireport image as a dynamic path, is it possible to do that configuration? To then show it in a report. I have Ireport v 3.0 and I work with java 6     
asked by 01.06.2018 / 21:10

ireport generates more sheets than it should in pdf

Hello I was generating my reports in the ireport and I was given the problem that every time I want to generate a report and save it as a pdf, the pdf is generated with more sheets than it has, since it only has one sheet without However, 33 (32...
asked by 21.05.2018 / 11:46

Because I find NullPointerException in Netbeans 8.2 with Ireports in a single report

I generate this error in a specific report in the others no .. and I do not understand why ... this is my procedure to call the report, that only happens when I run the application, because in the netbeans with the ireport plugin if the report g...
asked by 24.04.2018 / 23:27

problem when printing a report in ireport

Hello colleagues, what happens is that when I preview my report using the jar ireport, it loads it well, it appears in the position I want, like this: But, when you send it to print, it ends like this: Any property you are not...
asked by 09.04.2018 / 21:00

problem with ireport when trying to save the reportview

I am trying to save my generated report in the jasperview in .PDF, as in the image: After giving it to save the PDF document is not generated, then compiling I get this error:    Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected!   Qt: Unteste...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 18:58

Problems with iReport subload loading with Codeigniter

Hi I would like to see if you can help me I am trying to make a report that contains a subreport but this only works locally when I upload to the server and change the urls does not work I enclose the report father and son: Parent Report: &...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 23:50