Questions tagged as 'java-8'


Android: Use Java 8 in the project-gradle

I'm starting a small project on Android and I found that by default the great features of Java 8 are not available: Lambdas, streams, Time API and others that I did not give This is my build.gradle apply plugin: '' a...
asked by 17.10.2017 / 14:04

change java version 9 to 8 on mac

I'm biting a project on ionic 1 and since I have installed java 9 it will not let me export to android and I get this error Error: Requirements check failed for JDK 1.8 or greater . I do not know much about mac, could you tell me how to ch...
asked by 25.09.2017 / 18:05

I can not visualize with JSF

I'm trying to make an invoice display on another page and it turns out that I get null but the result of the invoice appears on the console. This is a part of my code where I make the invoice query on another page. the file is factu...
asked by 15.08.2017 / 05:58

How can I run the Stream with filter to fit in a list according to what you select in a spinner?

I want to filter a list according to what I select in the credit type spinner. listClientes has the same structure as listaNueva with the class ClienteRecuperacionModel . public class ClienteRecuperacionModel {...
asked by 01.08.2017 / 16:41

Problem when filling JTable with Query?

Hello Colleagues, I am programming in java in MVC pattern and I run into this loop inside my code. I'm using arraylist //Arraylist para llenar una jtable con arreglos public ArrayList<String[]> Select(){ try{...
asked by 24.05.2017 / 16:20

How to download different files from Spring mvc driver

Hello everyone how are you? I would like to know if there is any way for my controller method to return dynamically created files, and send them to the view and download them one by one. I have seen examples but only of pdf, and in my case one m...
asked by 12.05.2017 / 15:23

findAll Query by example Spring Data MongoDB. I do not get all the results

I am using Spring Data MongoDB and I use the method findAll(Example example, Pageable pageable) of the QueryByExampleExecutor interface, to get all the entries in a collection. The problem is that I'm not receiving all the re...
asked by 21.01.2017 / 01:05

External data ordering

My problem is this: I have a .csv file in which are stored the attributes of an object which are: CP, Street, number, colony, recipient I want to sort these attributes based on the CP with the following code: public class ExternalSort { s...
asked by 13.11.2016 / 06:46

Getters and Setters in Java

Is there any method of annotation in Java 8 (or earlier) to have at least one of the POX classes in the Getters and Setters methods without the need to write them? I speak of something similar to what in C# is done like this: pub...
asked by 06.04.2017 / 12:35


From a jar I have extracted the files.class, but I can not open them as a project or     
asked by 25.05.2018 / 14:06