Questions tagged as 'java'


Mock call to external web service with Mockito in Java [closed]

Having this code: private ConsultaCiudadanoStub clienteConsultaCiudadanoWS; clienteGestionColectivosWS = new GestionColectivosWsStub(); clienteGestionColectivosWS._getServiceClient().getOptions().setTo(new org.apache.axis2.addressing.Endpoin...
asked by 01.03.2017 / 10:11

Compare a file with an Argument

I have the following program: File[] ficheros2=new File(".").listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File fichero) { return fichero.isFile(); } }); int ocultos2=0; int totalFicheros=0; for(File fichero :ficheros2) { //
asked by 28.02.2017 / 20:02

Run Activity while displaying a Fragment

My question is if, while a Fragment is being displayed, the Activity is still running in the background. I know that when you press the onBackPressed() you call the Activity , but I do not know if it's a special cas...
asked by 01.03.2017 / 18:17

Problem with classpath [duplicated]

I have a problem when running my program, or I think that's because my program (geany) compiles the program but at the time of executing the error that will happen in the photo. I think it's classpath because if I do javac HelloMundo...
asked by 17.11.2016 / 17:30

Glide: update an image when I update the image on the server. Remove cache

I was working with an example of a RecyclerView, in that RecyclerView, I inserted an image of a web server by means of the URL of the image ... Well at the time of installing the application everything looks good the image I had in the web serve...
asked by 19.11.2016 / 10:40

Dekker Algorithm for 3 processes is blocked

Good morning, I want to implement the famous Dekker Algorithm to solve the problem of mutual exclusion for 3 processes instead of 2. I have 3 processes, P, Q and R, each process has its Boolean variable indicating if it wants or Do not enter the...
asked by 18.11.2016 / 16:51

Display query data in a toast

I want to show the query data in a Toast and do not do it, this is my code: conn3 = DBConnection3.getInstance().getConnection(); try { String stsql="Select a.idOperario,b.IdLlamada,b.Fecha,b.Mensaje,b.De,b. IdUsuarioDest...
asked by 15.11.2016 / 09:27

Show route with several Google Map bookmarks

I'm trying to do a google map that marks a route with several points, I saw an example on the google maps page. To do this I need an array with the intermediate positions. I have the positions in a mysql bd but I do not know how to pass the addr...
asked by 16.11.2016 / 00:35

Help with clause Where in MySQL and PHP for android

I'm making an Android application and I need to make a query in sql using php but I do not know why it does not return anything when I ask. This is a java code for Android: AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient(); final String u...
asked by 15.11.2016 / 04:00

How can I keep a ListView with their data after returning from another activity?

I'm making a contact application for Android, I'm really new to this. I have a ListView in the MainActivity that should show the contacts or a message in case there are no contacts and a Floating Action Button, when pressed it take...
asked by 24.12.2016 / 07:43