Questions tagged as 'join'


How to filter repeated series in SQL

I'm using SQL 2008 to query using inner join: SELECT t2.intencion_id,t2.numpago,t3.orden,t2.importe ,SUM([importeaplicado]) AS importeaplicado ,t3.intfinanciamiento_interes ,t1.[estatus] FROM [APLICACIONES] as t1 inner join movcargos as...
asked by 01.11.2016 / 21:05

problem with 2-table MySQL query

I have a problem with the following query SELECT h.sexo, h.universidad, count(*) as TOTALES, SUM(CASE WHEN h.universidad = 'Latina' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS number, SUM(CASE WHEN h.universidad = 'UAM' THEN 1 ELSE...
asked by 03.12.2018 / 20:04

Substring in a comparison (ON)

Friends, I'm doing a SQL query where I have to use only part of the characters in one column and compare it with another to get the matches: SELECT A.NUMCLIEN,A.CODIDENT,A.CLAIDENT,A.DIGIDENT,C.ENTIOFI,C.CUENTA FROM GPBC.UGDTMAE C JOIN GPBC.PE...
asked by 27.10.2018 / 02:18

Left join QueryBuilder Symfony 2

I can not understand how to do a LEFT JOIN using QueryBuilder of symfony2, the query I need to ask is this: SELECT * FROM extranet.version_portal v LEFT JOIN extranet.version_portal_usuario vu ON vu.version_id =;     
asked by 03.10.2018 / 11:02

MYSQL SELECT possible value of two tables

I have 2 tables, one called 'families' with fields 'id', 'email', and another one called 'progenitor' with fields 'id', 'family_id', 'email' (simplifying the rest of the fields). I need to make a SELECT in which to return the email (if any) f...
asked by 13.10.2017 / 21:16

I want to return a list of a join linq but I do not know how to do it, I do not know what goes in the List ????

I already try to create an object from the query of the join bone of the attributes that I want to see but still I can not make the return public List<????> ListaJoin() { var resultado = (from ad in model.AlumnoDireccion...
asked by 06.04.2017 / 21:06

Join table fields with different ID

I have this table in MySQL: +-------------------------------+ | *UDH* | *Text* | -------------------------------- | 050003B90301 | Hola soy A | -------------------------------- | 050003B90302 | rmin y...
asked by 21.12.2016 / 15:45

Use of merge and _join in R

I'm trying to make a type searchV in R between two data frames, This DF Comprador is the one that will take the reference (138 ROWS) (Buyer is what I need) This DF li is the one I want to complete (520 ROWS) with...
asked by 05.01.2019 / 00:45

Using spark scala Is there an efficient way to take all the columns of a DF and add N more columns?

I am working with a script in which there is a join of two dataframes with many columns each, the first is given an alias "A" and the second "B", the same for the columns of each one. Additional columns are created for the result of the join tha...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 19:39

Call to a member function result () on a non-object

I have the following error: Call to a member function result() on a non-object the error only appears in the 2 "if" if they analyze it in the second "if" there are only 2 extra lines, if I remove those extra lines it is the same as the fi...
asked by 28.09.2018 / 19:27