The problem is this, I have a form and I use ajax to bring me a specific section of it by means of a select field, I use views created with Laravel.
function showPlanningFormProduct(){
var value = this.valu...
I am trying that when selecting a value of a select, when opening a modal, the value and the text of the select are passed to different inputs. What would be the following:
rut_usu = this input is passed the value of the selected option.
From a array that I get from db , I create a modal with bootstrap3-dialog .
I create the elements easily, the only one I have problems with is the hr tag, since they are not placed under each element that I indicate, but they are al...
I have the following table:
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#tblClientes').DataTable({
'select': true,
'paging': true,
'info': true,
'filter': true,
'stateSave': true,
'processing': false,
I wanted to know how I can make a Mysql query at a specific time with this watch that I have in Javascript. I understand that you have to use Ajax, but I have tried to include the Ajax part inside the if of the time I want, and everything stop...
People I have a table that loads medications from BD , it has a input in to indicate the desired amount of each, the question is that I can not take the value entered in input .
I leave the code just in case someone could g...
I have a table with a style, and when doing a drag of a row the style is changed.
I have looked with the inspecting element, but I am not able to come up with the solution.
This is how the table looks without clicking:
And that's...
Good afternoon. I write after reading all the similar cases related to my query in this forum and not finding a solution.
What I need to know is if you can pass the variable from a PHP document to the jQuery code written in another document....
I obtained data from an SQL query with AJAX, and in JQuery I get the results in the following way:
var Data = $.parseJSON(result.d);
var datos = Data.Resultados; // .Resultados es el nombre de mi tabla con los resultados de SQL
Is it pos...
I have generated a JSON in a PHP with MySQL data with the following code:
header("Content-Type: application/json");
while($spot = mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbspots)) {
$jsonspots[] = $spot;
This generates this output:...