Questions tagged as 'jquery'


Declare DOM items with $

Is the declaration with $ correct to assign items from the DOM to work with them later? If not, should you assign them to normal variables with let ? $table = $('#tblActividades'); $nuevo = $("#btnNuevo"); $buscar = $("#txtBusc...
asked by 07.06.2018 / 11:01

Javascript difference of 1 decimal [duplicate]

I have the following function, which takes the total of the invoice, adds the amounts that have been paid, subtracts them and obtains the total that remains to be paid: function PagarTotal(){ var total_a_pagar = $('#total_a_pagar').val()...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 15:52

Play audio in JQuery

In my HTML I have the following (in addition to the "display: none" in the css): <audio class="audio"> <source src="~/Audios/NUMEROS/ONE.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> And to execute said Audio, I put the following co...
asked by 27.05.2018 / 17:48

How can I make two json parse

I need to parse two jsons I have it like this but I get an error. The variable obj.descripcion does not give me an error if it sent one but when it sent two it gives me an error. json that PHP returns and I capture in response {"des...
asked by 29.05.2018 / 16:10

Can an Angular directive be added by Script?

What I'm trying to do is add the ng-checked directive on a <a> tag with JQuery because I use Bootstrap Material Design and it makes me not work said directive mentioned, since this CheckBox is redefined by some Script. Wh...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 08:19

Character counter in jQuery

I have done an exercise with jQuery in which I have to put paragraphs with less than 100 characters with yellow background color, but I put any paragraph in yellow. Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>...
asked by 23.02.2018 / 12:48

Show all input checkbox marked but with a jquery line break

I have this <input><?php echo $elementos?><input> ... function updateTextArea() { var allVals = []; $('input:checked').each(function() { allVals.push($(this).attr("id")); }); $('div#choose').html(allV...
asked by 20.02.2018 / 11:28

Show form values

Good morning, I have a form and I would like to get the values written on it, and then insert them into a table. What I have done is to obtain the value of the field by .val() and that is inserted, but doing so instead of appearing my...
asked by 29.12.2017 / 15:41

An Alert appears for each detected keyup

I would like to know how I do to avoid generating an alert for each value entered in an input field with the keyup event, I only wish that the alert be executed once if the validation fails, but with this code if in the input I press x number of...
asked by 23.11.2017 / 06:23

How to load content inside a DIV with Ajax and php?

Hello Good Nights or Days have good today the problem I have with this  code is to load content when you move the browser bar to the bottom and what I want to do and I can not work within a div using the scroll as well as Facebook chat I hope yo...
asked by 30.11.2017 / 03:12