I am having problems trying to fill a dropdown (select) with select2 from a remote resource:
I fixed my backend code so that the API returns the following JSON code:
Hello, how could I load all the data of the person in a modal window when clicking on the button that is shown in the image called Register?
I need to click on it to load all the data, which is in a database in MySQL.
I know th...
I need to add the text type input with the checkbox type input, at this moment when I click on the checkbox it adds up and shows the total, but I need to add the text type input called service price.
This is a screenshot of my form:...
Sorry for the inconvenience. The truth is that they would send me to Google when they read my question, but I have already searched and searched and I can not find a code to implement it on my site since doing something like this is out of my re...
I try to sort by ACEPTACION , how do I do it?
I want to use jQuery DataTables to use
order: [
[3, 'asc']
let validacion = [1, 3, 5, 4, 2];
let personas = ["ana", "juan", "pedro", "maria", "gustavo"];
var html = "<...
I have a select with a single fixed option disabled, the other options are added after an ajax query, I need to load the page to select the fixed option with the disable.
<select id="desdeReserveInput" name="desde" class="form-control">...
At the moment of doing click in a button add in jquery this generates a append with 4 inputs and two buttons, a button eliminates the row which works well, but there is another boton that must to be deleted alo...
I have a hidden attribute, which I put through a java method:
<input type="hidden" id="url" th:value="${url}" />
And I want to put an input of type text whose value will be the value that is in the hidden "url"
<input type...