Questions tagged as 'jsf'


Primefaces fileUploadListener does not call / executes the function

I am using Primefaces 6, JSF 2.2, NetBeans and GlassFish My problem is that fileUploadListener does not execute the function of my Bean. I think I may have a problem with the Listener calls, but I'm using JSF 2.2 and I've read that I do not n...
asked by 04.08.2016 / 14:17

How to use the OR Expresion Languaje with three parameters

I am using el in jsf in the following tag <h:outputLabel value="#{msg.fecha}" rendered="#{aperturaDoBean.dataItem6.idServicio ne 4 || aperturaDoBean.dataItem6.idServicio ne 3 || aperturaDoBean.dataIt...
asked by 18.07.2016 / 21:14

inputNumber primefaces does not work

Using primefaces version 6.0, I have my form (inputText, dataTable, selectOnemenu, etc.) and it works correctly, but at the time of adding a p: inputNumber stops all Primefaces running, ie (inputText, dataTable, selectOnemenu, etc) that previo...
asked by 19.04.2017 / 19:39

Problem with query JPQL + JPA + JSF + EJB

@Override public Usuario iniciarSesion(Usuario us){ Usuario usuario = null; String consulta; try { consulta = "FROM usuario u WHERE u.usuario = ?1 and u.password =?2"; Query query = em.createQuery(consulta);...
asked by 25.10.2016 / 10:53

how to update a data table by cleaning the records by clicking on a button?

I have the following code which is inside of a p: fieldset, they are two inputs one for the year and another for the month, and a search button, what it does is filter records according to those two parameters <p:inputText id="anio" s...
asked by 22.03.2018 / 17:23

how to show a ui-icon in primefaces when the value of a variable is true or false?

I have the following table, which shows boolean type values and shows them that way <p:dataTable id="horarios" rendered="#{ConsultaPersonasUnidadFisicaComponent.muestraHistorial}" var="consultaHorario" style="max-width:3000px;max-heig...
asked by 28.02.2018 / 17:50

Parameters between URL's

Good morning! I can not find the solution to the next problem. I have an Intranet, which consumes another project (Web page) and shows it inside an IFrame. The question is: How can I retrieve the parameters of the URL of the intranet page...
asked by 19.12.2017 / 19:09

Reset values of a Session Bean in JSF

Good afternoon, I wanted to know if please someone could help me with the following, as I search and I can not find a solution. I have a form called "formuPrestamo", which collects values from a Session-managed managedBean called "frances" in...
asked by 08.06.2017 / 20:05

can a String be converted into a Date list in java?

Within my class, I have the following method public void buscaDetalleIncidencia() { System.out.println("ENTRO AL METODO BUSCA DETALLE POR AÑO/MESSS"); muestraTablaDetalle = true; incidenciaAnioMesDet = anio...
asked by 07.03.2018 / 19:19

Error Can not convert 2/27/17 12:00 AM of type class java.util.Date to class java.sql.Date

I need Guidance, I have this form xhtml with primefaces and I want to store date and time from the calendar component to my MySql as I resolve the error: javax.el.ELException: /create.xhtml @44,91 value="#{data.kardex_create.fechaingreso}:...
asked by 27.02.2017 / 18:20