Questions tagged as 'json'


NullPointerException when accessing values from a HashMap

I'm trying to access the values of a HashMap<> but the application stops when from a custom adapter I try to take the values I passed to the HashMap , showing this message in the logcat:    E / AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPT...
asked by 11.03.2018 / 07:57

JSON in android (Value of type java.lang.String can not be converted to JSONObject)

<?php /** ESTA ES MI Database.php * Clase que envuelve una instancia de la clase PDO * para el manejo de la base de datos */ require_once 'mysql_login.php'; class Database { /** * Única instancia de la clase */ private st...
asked by 09.08.2017 / 08:52

Graphics with Highcharts, JSON and CodeIgniter

Someone to help me how to make a Grafica using Highcharts in CodeIgniter using JSON. url:('<?= base_url(); ?>index.php/ejemplo/ejemDatos/datos', function (data) { // create the chart Highcharts.stockChart('datos', { //datos es el id...
asked by 07.08.2017 / 23:29

Get properties of a JSON

I have this JSON , and I want to analyze it in Android :    {"usd": {"code": "USD", "alphaCode": "USD", "numericCode": "840", " name ": "US Dollar", " rate ": 0.062953567779141," date ":" Sun, 4 Dec 2016 12:00:01 GMT "}," eur ": {" code "...
asked by 04.12.2016 / 17:24

How can I get all the data from a JSON on Android?

I'm doing an android application which queries a database to get the name of several sports. The query I do is the following: if($resultset=getSQLResultSet("SELECT etiqueta_nombre from sdo_v_etiquetas_espacios GROUP BY etiqueta_nombre")){...
asked by 27.04.2017 / 13:16

Cal-HeatMap data

I am trying to fill in the HeatMap calendar ( link ) with dynamic data. Through a file with different dates, I collect all of them and convert them to milliseconds, to create the key-value pair that is required for the calendar. I made this conv...
asked by 06.10.2016 / 23:04

Problems with special characters in Highcharts and json

I have a datos.json file that contains data in Spanish with accents and other special characters. When using it in a Highcharts graphic, it displays the accents and eñes with question marks. Needless to say, the .html file contains a...
asked by 12.12.2016 / 15:02

How to make an ajax call after selecting a combo box option in angularJS

This is my html. <div class="pull"> <select name="ifield06" ng-model="selectCuenta" ng-options="cuentas as cuentas.asociado for cuentas in ListaCuentas track by "> <option value="">Cuenta</option>...
asked by 16.06.2016 / 21:18

How to filter JSON data with Lodash

I have a factory that obtains the data from a WebAPI, it returns all the data, but the filter does not work: myApp.factory('Canchas', function($http){ var Canchas = {}; Canchas.list = []; Canchas.getDataFromServer = function getDataFromServe...
asked by 04.03.2016 / 18:41

Image in base64 by Webservice

Is it OK to load an image encoded in base64 by a REST service? charge the data of a business and send the image of that business already in base64 although I do not know if it is good practice to do so, I want to know if I am doing well, and if...
asked by 08.02.2017 / 20:32