Questions tagged as 'laravel-5'


Center text within a div

You see, I have a table Game with the following values: Schema::create('juegos', function (Blueprint $table){ $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('numero')->unique(); $table->string('nombre');...
asked by 11.07.2018 / 11:35

Handle .css files in Laravel

You see, I have a file named estilos.css with the following code: div{background-color: #000000;} I have stored it in the public / css directory, and now the story is how I pass it to the views. I tried to put it like this: <link rel="...
asked by 20.02.2018 / 21:13

Insert data in form with foreign key laravel

I need help, I have problems to create a new record or update it, from a form, since I use foreign keys to do it. The error is "Undefined variable: marcas (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\..... these are my scripts Models class Marca extends Mod...
asked by 12.05.2018 / 15:31

Disable as option a placeholder in laravel 5.4

If I have a select with: {!!Form::label('tipoUsuario','(*)Rol',['class'=>'control-label'])!!} {!!Form::select('tipoUsuario',$tipoUsuario,null,['id'=>'tipoUsuario','class'=>'form-control','placeholder'=>'Seleccione Usuario','tabind...
asked by 19.03.2018 / 22:54

I do not get the pdf in my project laravel 5.5 [closed]

I am trying to generate a pdf and when I run the function the blank screen appears. I'm using domPdf for this This is the code that I have in my controller: public function pdf_facturas($id){ $data = ['esto es una prueba'];...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 14:17

Getting data with orWhere

I have the following function that collects data from the books I have purchased. It certainly works, when I search for the three parameters it gives me what I want and when I do not use the parameters it gives me what I look for too. The thing...
asked by 10.03.2018 / 19:06

Error downloading the github project Laravel Lumen

Well, that's when you download the github project from lumen ago a composer install and I get this and in the git ignore file I do not put anything to upload everything     
asked by 08.03.2018 / 23:07

how to use the laravel login with other fields?

Good, I'm using larvel on my website, because laravel does the login verification for me, with the username and password fields, because I want you not only to see those two fields, but also a capo de estdo     
asked by 01.10.2017 / 00:09

Why is this error in laravel?

I entered a YouTube channel where I am watching a video tutorial where I do the corresponding configuration of the frameworks but there is a step where you have to change the namespace of the frameworks with the pham artisan app: name sisventas,...
asked by 28.10.2017 / 23:25

How to use traits in Laravel 5.4.18?

Where to create exactly the file, what to write in it, and how to use the functions declared in the trait. I use Laravel Framework 5.4.18 - I have not altered any folder of the framework, everything is where it belongs - Thank you in a...
asked by 16.04.2017 / 05:07