does not show anything in the option but in the console if I can see the data
new Vue({
el: '#aplicacion',
data: {
methods: {
greet: function (event) {...
I have the following route
Route::resource('mail', 'MailController');
Which I call in the following form:
<div class="content">
<div class="row">
@if (Sessio...
I need to declare a globlal variable, something similar to:
$user = Auth::user();
I am consuming an API and I need to get the $user variable in the login form in a global way to use it in the whole app. I am not very familiar with th...
I'm developing a project using Laravel.
When I try to show the details of an actor on the screen, it shows everything on the same line like this:
Is taking the as a text and not as a page break.
This is my code portion
I am developing a web with Laravel and I need to pass the data that comes from a controller to a module called seciones.blade.php that is in a folder called includes , so that the structure is like this:
I am trying to see the name and the id of the categories of the products and I am generating the following error.
"Trying to get property 'category_id' of non-object (View: C: \ Users \ RaFaE \ blog \ resources \ views \ admin \ article \...
I have a problem filling out two different selections within the same form in laravel 5.6.7.
vista: registro.blade.php
<div class="form-group">
{{ Form::label('empresa','Empresa:',['class' => 'control-label ']) }...
How can I comment a line in a Laravel template that contains @include , @section , @endsection and even img src"{{ asset('libs/magnific-popup/magnific-popup.js') }}"
I tried with
<!-- -->...
I have a laravel blade form, using the input of the laravel collective form, for example:
<div class="form-group col-xs-4">
{!!Form::label('Titulo de modalidad','Titulo de modalidad:')!!}
I need to pass variable se session to get variables in other views or controllers at the end I get a NULL
This is what I am doing:
public function login(Request $request){
$client = new Client();