I need to create a sequence that is inserted by default, that is, I need that when inserting a record it is inserted by default,
fn000001,fn000002, ect.
What I want is to delete an entity framework record through a linq query that only gives me a slight error:
linq query code:
var context = GetDbContext();
var listadoV = from Ar in context.archivo
I have the following query in the Action
Then in my Vista I try to show the table in the following way
using @ item.cantRevised
I would also like to know if in MVC 5 you can pass a list in this case consult with LINQ through t...
someone some example code
how to delete a record from a table using linq and sqlserver and c #
I want the record to be deleted when I press the red line
what is stored in a sql server table
but do so by calling a store procedure
I have a list of people that are related to a committee table and another table types person, I need to return the list of people of a committee and also return the list of people of a type
note: return the people that I return from the relation...
I have a LINQ statement and use a static function in the where section. The static class is called Funciones but it always returns an error when I execute it, the description of the error is:
LINQ to Entities does not recogni...
What I'm looking for is updating a database record by recommending a more experienced programmer who told me that he would use POST to structure the following code.
I have a list of elements as follows
public class MedicamentoDevolverDto
public int IdMedicamento { get; set; }
public string CodigoMedicamento { get; set; }
public string Medicamento { get; set; }
public int StockActualC...
I have the following code:
For Each Subitem In lstGastoResumen_Area
Dim MesRealSub
Dim MesPPTOSub
MesRealSub = Aggregate y In lstGastoResumen Where y.Area = Subitem And y.Anio = Anio1 Into Sum(y.FebRealSoles)
MesPPTOSub = Aggr...
I hope to express myself clearly and be able to get some help.
I'm stuck with updating some fields in my database table from the View. Currently I could make it work but only update the data of the first result.
How should it work? Payment...