Questions tagged as 'momentjs'


Passing GTM 0 to local date

I want to pass a date that is in GTM0 to my local time, according to momentjs it's from this way , but I can not convert the date to my local time. moment.locale('es'); let fecha = '2018-12-07 22:56:48'; let fecha_origin = mom...
asked by 08.12.2018 / 03:32

Transform a given date in yyyy-mm-dd format to string in javaScript?

I capture a date in yyy-mm-dd (2016-06-30) format and I want to give it a more friendly format for the user, I look for the following: 2016-06-30 = 6 de Junio del 2016 2016-06-30 = Junio (Mostrar el mes dada la fecha) 2016-06-30 = Juev...
asked by 15.09.2016 / 17:49

Add word "from" to date in momentsjs

How can I add the word "from" to the date using momentjs? Example: 4 de Mayo de XXXX The day, month and year give the same, the important thing is to add the word "of" in the date.     
asked by 11.04.2018 / 18:15

Impossible to include momentsjs in Laravel5 with 'laravel-mix'

I'm using laravel-5 that comes with webpack and laravel-mix , the idea is to use the library datetimepicker that at the same time uses momentjs . The problem is that I can not include the library in any way. I...
asked by 15.08.2017 / 00:08

How to put momentsjs in a VueJS application

I want to put the momentJS library in my Vue application, and that the full functionality of moment is available in any component of my app.     
asked by 27.07.2018 / 10:00

Control of schedules with moment js

In my timetable control code, I check if the current time is within the range of opening time and closing time. This is my code: var ha = moment("00:00:00", 'H:mm:ss'); var hc = moment("23:59:00", 'H:mm:ss'); var hactual = moment("00:00:00...
asked by 07.08.2018 / 06:31

Doubt with moment.js

I have a question about the use of moment.js, the question is, if today I put a date and time for example 03/14/2018 at 01:00, I usually keep the UTC time in the database to then format it to the date / time that corresponds depending on the reg...
asked by 14.03.2018 / 10:50

Is it possible that the method of moment format does not work well?

I find myself with the following, I have to format some dates and I always used the moments. Now I have this dilemma: var date2 = new Date(year, 6, 0); var dateEnd = formatShortDate(date2.toString()); and the method formatShortDate ,...
asked by 03.04.2017 / 11:10

Use property Time highcharts React

I try to see that on October 28, when the time change is made, I am shown on a graph highcharts twice the time 02:00. I've got it working for me with javascript and using the momentjs library: link The problem comes when I try to...
asked by 23.12.2018 / 00:30

Update value of moment.js

I'm working with the date management library in Javascript Moment.js, and I'm trying to make a kind of calendar, in which, starting from the current date, pressing a button backs up on the date, and when clicking on other advances. The main p...
asked by 04.09.2017 / 16:16