Hi, I have a problem and I have a connection to my server.js (I'm not in my local, localhost perfect function) I'm using node.js and use socket.io for the results of my requests, the detail is that on my local server I can not use localhost / an...
Hello, such friends have a problem with ionic when running an app created.
At the time of typing the command "ionic serve" I vote this result and the truth is strange because I find solutions to the error but nothing compared to mine since it st...
From the database I'm getting ip and id , and when I want to create a folder and put the ip as the name I get undefined and the folder is created but with the name undefined, inside of that folder I am creating a photo and th...
I have problems to apply postcss-middleware after the sass-middleware in an API in express, the Sass middleware is applied but not the postcsss middleware.
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import express from 'express';
import pug from...
I'm passing a query I made and it works on mongoDB to mongoose and it gives me an error.
The query in mongo DB is:
_id: {$in: db.detalles.distinct("id_factura",{category: ObjectId("5889eae21ffcc6da2c6b4ae4")})}...
I'm doing an App, which has a registry for users. I try to make that when the user enters the data they are sent to the database through that POST request. The database appears connected to me, but I can not find the code to send the data.
I assign a variable to an object, I do console.log with it with intention to find out and examine what is inside the object, but when I start the code in console ( CLI ) ( PowerShell ), this console.log simply returns the following: [object]...
Hello people, I am using passport-local and what I want to do is show the user when he / she does the login
My code is this
var passport = require('passport');
var localStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
var User=require...
I'm trying to create an api where I receive 2 parameters, the id of the session and the seat that needs to be reserved
"tanda" : "7:30am"
, "asientos" : [
0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0 ,
0, 0, 0, 0 ,