I am still a little confused as to update and what is the correct order.
I have a package ncu to update both global and local packages.
In addition to updating the package.json
But I'm not sure I do it right
I would like to update the gl...
As you can see, this is the error that causes me to want to install angular / cli:
npm WARN registry Unexpected warning for link : Miscellaneous Warning ENETUNREACH: request to link failed, reason: connect ENETUNREACH
When I try to install Angular CLI in windows 10 by command line I receive the following error, the command line is: npm install -g @ angular / cli
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 & nt; npm install -g @ angular / cli
npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.15063
running the npm init command all fine just that in the step of the version does not let me do anything or close the vantana of the terminal.
I have installed as linux operating system to Antergos
nodejs 8.1.0
npm 5.0.3
I have some nodejs scripts to query a mongo Db, but what I want is that this script is running indefinitely, maybe with a 5 minute sleep, and if it stops there is another script that he "revives" him.
Any ideas on how to do these processes? I...
When wanting to run the AVA tests on Windows using this command:
npm run test
which in turn executes this command:
"SET \"NODE_ENV=test\" & nyc ava --require babel-register test/**-test.js $AVA_ARGS",
throws me this error:
I have errors with npm run dev, I made a npm rebuild, then a npm install, to try again with npm run dev, and it shows me these errors:
# npm run dev
> [email protected] dev c:\xampp\htdocs\site
> cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack-dev-server...