I would like that when entering a text field, it will detect the press of the enter key to be able to execute a function.
This is the field:
<input type="text" id = "txtConvBusFch" class="form-control datepicker" placeholder="Desde Fecha...
onkeyup to check when we lift the key, instead onkeypress values the data when the key is pressed.
The problem I have is that my functionality works with onkeyup but with onkeypress does not work.
I explain.
I h...
At the moment I automate with selenium (page object) a web page that does not allow me to eliminate these pop-up windows for the moment I control this action in the following way:
try { driver.Keyboard.PressKey(Keys.Enter); } catch { }
I'm trying to edit the value of a Celda of DataGridView after the event CellEndEdit by pressing the% key Enter send by code a TAB I'm currently using the Event KeyPress and the EditingControlShowing o...
I can not link my UP , DOWN , LEFT and RIGHT keys to the cambiarImagen function. With the id=boton I get ... but with certain keys not.
$(function() {
var imagenes = [