Questions tagged as 'pandas'


Help with pandas merge inner

You can do me the favor of teaching me or telling me where to look for how to do the following: I have two panda dataframes. The first is constant and the second is generated from an Excel that always has variable data. The data in column "0"...
asked by 26.09.2018 / 18:15

string to date pandas ex

I have a problem with data conversion. With the strtime function I convert the string into the date format I want and write it in an EXCEL cell. When I open EXCEL, it detects the format (through the EXCEL cell format menu) but not quite ... beca...
asked by 23.09.2018 / 08:40

InvalidHeader: Invalid return character or leading space in header: x-api-token

I'm studying the tutorial "Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Tutorial" and I'm stuck with the error that I mention in the title. The script that returns this error is the following .. import quandl import pandas as pd # Not necessary, I jus...
asked by 16.09.2018 / 01:34

Create temporary file and open it with pandas

I am trying to create a temporary excel and open it, to later delete it. With this, what I intend to do is to be able to consult an excel without having to save anything in memory. My code is: def abrir(self): nombreFichero = "Tempora...
asked by 07.09.2018 / 10:49

How to add a list to a variable that contains a list and the result use it as a list to extract data from a dataframe with "at"

In the variable MARCADOR , LAD and FAD I would like to extract with each cycle for data% DataFrame intersection : INCREMENTO = np.array([0, 0]) for x in range(self.total_rows): MARCADOR = self.intersectio...
asked by 05.09.2018 / 17:59

Replace empty or null values in one column with those in another

I have a DataFrame with two columns ( A and B ), in the column a there are rows that are empty (can be "nan" or " " ) How can I do to take the values of the column B and pass them to the A but only...
asked by 10.09.2018 / 20:13

Geolocation in a dataframe

I have a data frame. with the columns cities, latitude and longitude the cities some have NaN others are complete. How can I do to fill in the columns of cities with longitude and latitude. example Mundo = { 'ciudades': ['Nan', 'Buenos...
asked by 30.08.2018 / 23:52

Help with Data Clean DATAFRAME

I want to create a function that allows me to split a row / column where it has several words, and transport the word I want to another row / column where there is a Nan. as you can see in the example. I would like to be able to take a descripti...
asked by 30.08.2018 / 21:42

Error importing pandas_datareader, "ImportError: can not import name 'is_list_like'"

After installing with pip pandas_datareader , at the moment of importing it, it generates the following error: >>> import pandas_datareader as web Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <mod...
asked by 12.08.2018 / 01:45

Operations with dates

I have a DataFrame ( df ), in which the dates are in the format datetime64(ns) (2017-09-18). I need to implement the following statement in a Python script: Fech_Act = pd.Timestamp("2018-08-02") df["TAE"] = ((1 +((df["Val_Act"]/d...
asked by 09.08.2018 / 23:46