I get the following error:
Recoverable fatal error: Object of class User could not be converted to string in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ iedan \ model \ Username.php on line 27.
I do not know what is due, here I leave the part of the code th...
I have that error and I can not find the problem.
The error is generated when you try to generate a PDF.
It gives me problems in this line- >
Catchable fatal error: Object of class User could not be converted
to string in
I'm trying to make a query with sql under one criterion
Well, let me introduce the code.
include_once "conexion.php";
/* Ejecuta una sentencia preparada pasando un array de valores */
$id = 1;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE...
I'm trying to update the data, but when I update it, I change the user_id, but I want to continue saving it.
public function actualizaPagador($id_pago,$id_usuario,$pago){
I have the pattern singleton and a class ticket :
public function registrar(){
//me conecto a la bd
$conexion = Conexion::singleton_conexion();
$queryid="select comprobante from identi...
I have to save some data from a form in a mysql database.
In a php file I have a select (combobox) that is filled with values from tables in the database. I think I have the insert code well, but for some reason it does not save anything....
It's my first song here and I wanted to see if they could give me a little hand ...
I have a login that works well for me, it makes the query to the table, it looks for the user and pass and if they are ok, it redirects me, it...
I am trying to generate a PDF, if I created everything in the same directory there is no problem, the problem comes when I call the function that will generate this doc.
Warning: include (font / helveticab.php): failed to open stream: No s...
I have this "add" function, which adds a product code 'X' in a table called "INVENTORIES", works well for me, but I want to add a fragment of code in PHP that I insert in a table called "PRECIOSXPROD" the product code for 'Y' times according to...
Hello, I have this function that pulls out an array but when I try to get the name of the following form, for example [0] ['name'] tells me that the object of type Course can not be used as a matrix.
public function mostrarCurso(){
$db = B...