Questions tagged as 'php'


Enable and disable fields in an html form

My question is this: Is it possible to enable or disable a field of a form from PHP?. Depending on a number that I extract from a database: if the number I get is 4894-rt , that I have a field in the form where I enter a datum to...
asked by 25.10.2016 / 17:26

Remotely access Laravel project

Hello, I do not know how to access my project echo in laravel from another computer in the network, locally I can access it with: http://localhost:8000 Now I try to access by replacing localhost with IP on the same computer on which I h...
asked by 04.10.2016 / 19:27

Select multiple rows mysql

I need 3 rows of a table that have certain id. This is my current query that gets only one record $query='SELECT precios.id_precio, precios.precio, precios.descarga, precios.carga FROM wifmaxco_web.precios WHERE precios.id_precio="1"'; $...
asked by 11.10.2016 / 20:54

Print the number of each week of a date in specific PHP

I am working with dates in php but I can not specify something like what I'm looking for, my problem is to be able to visualize the number of weeks in a specific month I hope I was clear and thank you for your help. EXAMPLE: WEEKS of date =...
asked by 16.03.2018 / 23:29

how to take a data from a json object in ajax

I have this code to create a table and insert the data of the type json array: $.ajax({ url: '<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/Manager/metricsAdvocates', type: 'post', data: {'sup':sup, 'dateM':dateM}, dataType: 'json...
asked by 22.03.2018 / 18:26

Problem when listing files in a directory, the first result shows blank

I do not know the reason why when listing the files in the directory, the first result is always printed in white, as shown in the attached image. The code I am using is: <?php // Lista los temas alfabeticamente $ruta = "archivos/s...
asked by 25.01.2018 / 09:31

How to sort a two-dimensional array by columns?

I would like to do this, but in PHP : How to sort a matrix two-dimensional by columns in Javascript? array= [ //Columnas: 0 1 2 3 4 /*Filas: 0*/ [9,5,3,2,7], /* 1*/ [7,9,5,4,3], /* 2*/ [8,4,6,0,1] ] array...
asked by 26.01.2018 / 10:14

Error 404 Web Service NuSoap PHP

I'm a bit new to Web Services; I am designing a client with NuSoap to consume a Web Service. When I try to consult the path of the wsdl I get an error 404 Not Found , but when I use the SoapUI there is no error and shows m...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 15:44

how can I replace values brought in a query with php?

<php $connect =mysqli_connect("localhost" ,"root" , "" , "helpdesk"); $query ="SELECT status, count(*) as number FROM ticket GROUP BY status "; $results = mysqli_query($connect, $query); $result = mysqli_query($connect,$sql); while ($m...
asked by 11.11.2018 / 15:19

JavaScript 1e16 * Math.random () equivalent to PHP

I have this line of code that when executed in the console generates random numbers of 16 characters: 1e16 * Math.random() When executing you can give this kind of results: 1e16 * Math.random() //8988522134496624 As you can see, it gen...
asked by 26.11.2018 / 00:50