Hi, I just saw a video about c ++ but it's in English, there was a part where I started explaining about POO, and he talked about the builders, I understand what it is, but he did two of which I do not know his differences.
This is the first...
I'm studying POO in php, and I've done this code, but when I run it, the page goes blank and does not show me the data I've entered before, any help?
class coche{
var $ruedas;
var $color;
var $motor;
function __constru...
I have a doubt that eats my head and I searched in San Google but I find only technical answers and they do not help me much.
I would like you to be able to tell me in a simple and clear way (if you will) the difference between an interface a...
What is the difference, advantages, disadvantages between?:
List a=new ArrayList();\suponiendo que introducire numeros enteros
ArrayList a=new ArrayList(); \suponiendo que introducire numeros enteros
I'm doing a login, and the type of user is a different object, that object in the code that it queries if it works well, use a var_dump to the session variable where I used it and it works well, epro when I sent it no longer works.
Add two more fields to the beneficiary class and I made the migrations now it is showing me this error.
public class Beneficiario
public int beneficiarioId { get;...
I have a method that helps me to validate variables int , but when I pass them from C ++ to Java the ignore and clear methods do not work for me.
Is there any equivalent to those functions in Java ?
int ValidaInt(){...
I am working with events in Java Swing and it happens that in a JFrame I have uploads of three images. What I need is to know how I do so that when I press an image when I run the program it moves vertically and I can stop it with another click...
I need to implement a decorator with classes or functions that receive parameters, like the following example
@MyDec(flag='foo de fa fa')
def bar(a,b,c):
print('En bar(...) : ',a,b,c)
I want to throw an exception on a single line to a method that a boolean has to receive if he does not receive it, by using a ternary operator. How can I do it? I tried to put a else pass but it does not validate the syntax
def metodo...