Questions tagged as 'react-native'


adb not found when executing AwesomeProject React Native

I'm starting with react, just installing and executing the project that comes in the example of the official website, but when running the app, it indicates that it does not recognize the adb: Now check the system path, ANDROID_HOME, et...
asked by 15.08.2018 / 00:11

Convert Objecto String to Javascript Object

This is the string I get from an api, it is a string but not in json format, but in javascript object format, JSON.parse does not work because the key does not have double quotes "". "{text: 1}" //string Now I want to convert it to a javasc...
asked by 06.08.2018 / 01:43

Error 500 reactive native

When I want to start a native reactive project in linux mint with android studio (Sdk + Avd), it throws me the following error. The package.json information is: { "name": "miot", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts":...
asked by 02.10.2018 / 15:24

I need to print the user's name in the drawernavigation but the data is in the state as I access it?

I need to print the name of a user in the drawer navigation part but I have the data saved in the state but I do not know how to access them and probe passing props and passing the argument but I still do not get anything. The problem is that...
asked by 28.05.2018 / 01:30

React-navigate error

Hello good afternoon I have a problem with react-native in specific with the react-navigate library:    The component for route 'Home' must be a React component. For example: import MyScreen from './MyScreen'; ... Home: MyScreen, }    Y...
asked by 06.05.2018 / 20:09

Error in React Native: super expression must either be null or a function not undefined

I have a problem with React Native , I am getting the following error:    super expression must either be null or a function not undefined I have looked for documentation and it has not solved my problem, if it is more comfortable to sol...
asked by 07.05.2018 / 21:18

React-native - Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid

I have been generating an apk in react-native however when using firebase to retrieve the comments that were integrated into the application, it throws me the following error: Here is the code: import React, { Component } from 'react'...
asked by 03.05.2018 / 00:20

Download Files by WebView in React Native

I have an application, in it I have a WebView, in the page that is in the webview there is an option to download a dynamic pdf, which the webview does not react to the option to save or download file.    Dinámico means that the PDF is...
asked by 29.06.2018 / 18:01

How can I pass parameters between screens in React Native?

My abilities with React Native are very basic, and what I want to get is the posts according to each category. Categories Screen import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { NavigationActions, DrawerNavigator, StackNavigator } from '...
asked by 14.04.2018 / 07:15

REACT - NATIVE "Build failed app: processReleaseResources"

I am generating an apk with react-native and I run it in the Android emulator and even in adb directly on a device and it does not generate any errors. but when executing the command: gradlew assembleRelease to generate the apk. throw...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 21:31