I'm trying to find all the duplicate elements in a sentence.
To do this, I am testing with the following code, but I only detect the first duplicate word and I would like to replace all of them, regardless of whether they are uppercase or low...
I need to get this number 2769 inside these tags with a regular expression in php
<td style="background-color:#b0c400;border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff;text-align:right;padding:0px 5px 0px 5px;color:#000000;">2769</td>
I tried to...
How can I make a regular expression to validate that in the textbox enter a maximum of 19 digits and a minimum of 15?
What I have is this ER but I think it's wrong
var expreg = /^([0-9])*{0,25}$/;
How to extract a specific number from a string that can have almost any shape, I explain:
My string can be: cualquiercosa+CH+number+cualquiercosa
that is: TEST-13?:41CH12f:A1345
I just need to extract the number that f...
I am using the website link . Using the phrase as a regular expression:
And as a text
To my surprise they do not machean, I thought that the case insensitive (i) modifier would solve this, but it does n...
I am something new in web programming and with Regular Expressions (RegEX) . How to allow my TextArea to accept any character except these $%&|<># ?
I'm trying this with my TMForm.js .
I would like to know how you can filter with pattern a range of ports such that only accept or numbers or numbers with two points in between and as long as it does not exceed 65535.
Example: 20 or 20:25
The only thing that has occurred...
I need to make a replace in a whole string with a format similar to the following:
var miRegExp = "^[0-9]+$";
var miString = $("input").val();
miString = miString.replace(new RegExp(miRegExp)+ /g, '');
The objective is to replace all the ch...
I have a code, that if a function is given as a parameter the string:
You will use a document.getElementById();
and if you receive the string of the form:
You will use a getElementsByClassName();...
I need to parse a URI of type geo.
For the first sample I have the regular expression to filter that its structure is correct: