Questions tagged as 'rstudio'


Problem with ranges when generating a histogram

I would like to create a frequency histogram, defining the ranges of each bar in the histogram. I thought that by defining the number of bars, their ranges would be defined but I have not managed to obtain a desired histogram. the code that I...
asked by 08.01.2018 / 15:54

RStudio I do not show import dataset by URL

I just started with an R course and I'm in the part of importing data, the option to import from a URL comes out in the course - But in my Rstudio it does not come out, this is because I'm missing some package? Does the version you inst...
asked by 27.12.2018 / 20:58

How to create a statistical data function in rstudio?

I have the following code: rm(list=ls(all=T))#limpia todo lo antes escrito library(tuneR) #libreria para manipular archivos de audio library(e1071)#libreria para sacar la skewness y kurtosis directorio<-"/home/roy/Descargas/audios" #va...
asked by 08.01.2018 / 03:57

Match 2 tables in R

Good afternoon, I wanted to know what function I should take to be able to relate in R two tables (table 1, in which I have all my raw data of my species and table 2, in which I have an index with representative species). The idea is to add a...
asked by 10.10.2017 / 17:59

Show complete information (... with 21 more rows)

Greetings to all, how can I make it to show all the content and not (... with 21 more rows)     
asked by 04.10.2017 / 05:13