Questions tagged as 'ruby-on-rails'


Problem when rendering pdfs in rails 4 in development mode

use the library wicked_pdf the problem is in the call to the styles, I am new in rails attached an image this is my layout <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <%= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag 'application', me...
asked by 24.09.2016 / 01:51

Scaffold driver, redirect to several views

I have a little doubt about the part of the drivers on a website that I'm doing image editing. which is based on the user uploading the image, after pressing the button redirects it to the clipping part always sending the image as a parameter...
asked by 05.03.2016 / 21:08

AJAX + RAILS Save javascript variable in my database

I want to make a game type quiz, that according to the correct answers the user earns X points. Those x points I want to save in a table called Games that has a field called points. I would like to do it without having to do any submit. That is,...
asked by 02.09.2018 / 18:42

How to access server images from your Rails url

I want to access an image that I have in assets/images/images.jpg or public/images/imagen.jpg from my server in production, example: and have my image.     
asked by 09.07.2017 / 02:45

Correct use of flash [: success]

Good afternoon, I need your help. I need to show a success or rejection message, once I have inserted an object in BD. So far I have only managed to update the browser window, not automatically (as it should be), once the event submit has b...
asked by 31.07.2017 / 20:57

Add action to the controller and invoke with link_to in the view: - ERROR Completed 400 Bad Request

In the classic application blog article ... I want to add an action in the article driver adjust by calling it post , basically I update the text column of the article method by adding just one asterist (*) each time it...
asked by 30.06.2017 / 19:43

Connect Ruby on Rails to MySQL [closed]

I was trying with the ruby on rails framework, but I have had problems with the gem devise. I made it work but only locally with SQLite. I would like to connect remotely to a database in MySQL, for the creation of the login and a dating syste...
asked by 23.06.2017 / 05:58

Rails. Delayed_job works two hours apart

I am implementing automation tasks to send emails at a specific time with this gem in the following way: def create @competition = if @competition.delay(run_at: @competition.s...
asked by 20.07.2017 / 19:22

Ruby on Rails - Simpe_Calendar. Visualize the weeks of two in two

As you can see in my screenshot, I have a problem with the second week. The days that appear are the same as those of the previous week. In app / views / calendar / index.html.erb: <%= week_calendar number_of_weeks: 2 do |date| %&g...
asked by 16.05.2017 / 21:45

Implement "add to favorites" in Rails 5

I am new to Rails and I need your help to implement a functionality in my web app. It is a web app of recipes and the functionality in question is "Add recipe to Favorites". I call the "User" "Chef". I want a chef to be able to save recipes from...
asked by 20.04.2017 / 21:49